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Cara's P.O.V.

I followed the blood. It was splattered on the floor and left a clear trail to where Kyna was. The bathroom door was opened just wide enough for me to be able to see her tenaciously wiping the blood off of her face. I finally felt guilty about the cut and summoned a healing patch.

I knocked on the door and Kyna's jade green eyes snapped to me. "What do you want?" She asked me with a harsh tone and a glare.

I held up the patch and said, "To apologize."

She scrutinized my face for a few seconds then opened the door wide enough for me to come in. She grabbed the patch out of my hand, faced the mirror, and expertly put it on her large gash. "You made me get blood in my hair. I'm going to have to wash it tonight," Kyna grumbled as she went back to wiping off the smeared blood.

As she got rid of the last of the sticky red substance I couldn't help but laugh. Her hair was such a dark red that I don't even know how she could tell what part had blood on it.

"I'm sorry. We'll be out of your hair soon enough... Pun intended," I told her with a small smile.She let a smile break across her stoney exterior and I felt much better. "I have to admit. I'll miss the company. As we both know it can get really lonely," she revealed and turned away from the mirror to face me. She leaned against her white sink that was pink inside the bowl from blood. Her eyes had a light in them that was rare to witness, and she crossed her arms over her chest.

"You don't have to be lonely," I told her and that light in her eyes immediately disappeared.

"I'm not starting over again Cara. I might be lonely but at least I'm in a safe place. The risk isn't worth it," Kyna argued. She stood straight up with the grace of a queen and left the bathroom.

I quickly followed her so she wouldn't get far and yelled, "It is though!"

She turned to face me, her red hair almost slapping me, and was close to tears. "No love is. The running... the hiding... the persecution. No man is worth it. Love is just a bitter fantasy told to children," she mumbled.

I grabbed her hands and vowed, "It is. Randal was worth it. All of it. I promise it will be the same for you."

She shook her head and yanked her calloused hands out of mine. She hugged herself and I swear I saw a tear fall down her tan cheek as she gazed at the wooden hallway wall. "What if it's not and I just end up in some horrible reality? I'm a redhead Cara... These changes are a lot riskier for me than you," she reminded me.

"I can find you. If you let yourself jump and it's terrible I'll find you and take you to a dimension of your choice," I bargained.

She thought for a second then looked around her cottage. "You'd forget me. I'll end up stuck there for months or if I'm unlucky a few days and then be killed," she mumbled shaking her head.

"I'll wait exactly a month. After the pack and I are home and it's been a month I'll jump back to you. If you want to leave the dimension you're in I'll take you with me," I promised.

She thought again for a second then nodded in agreement and stopped hugging herself. "How am I supposed to jump right now though? I don't love anyone here," she inquired.

I raised my eyebrow and reminded her, "It was you who jumped when we were in that dimension together. It doesn't take a scientist to figure out that you loved me."

She gave me a sad smile and nodded her head. "You became the younger sister that I had always wanted," she confessed.

"You loved me once. You can love me again. You can still have love in your life," I proclaimed.

She looked over her small cottage once more than faced me with conviction. "One month. Then you find me," she stated.

I nodded and agreed, "One month."

"I haven't allowed myself to feel in years. How am I supposed to be with my soulmate if I'm just... Hollow?" She questioned.

"You're not hollow. You just haven't found him yet," I declared.

Her jade green eyes met mine one more time and she gave me a hopeful smile. She closed her eyes which caused the healing patched to pull her tan skin tight on her forehead. Her dark red hair billowed about her figure, reminding me of flames, and she let out a deep breath. "I'll see you in one month, Cara," she told me.

"I'll see you in one month," I replied. A small smile graced her lips and suddenly she was gone. There was no smoke. There wasn't even evidence that a person had been standing in front of me mere seconds ago. I stood there in awe as my eyes stayed fixed to the spot where Kyna had been.

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