Chapter 33

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I moved my leg out of the blankets groggily so I could be closer to the warm air. Wait... warm air? The castle is freezing and Drake didn't light the fireplace last night.

My head shot up, startling Drake and causing him to wake up, as my eyes ran over the room. "This can't be happening," I whispered.

Drake sat us up and asked, "Where are we?"

I looked around the light pink room with framed pictures and plants on just about every available surface. I brushed my hand against the light pink fluffy pillow and gasped. This is real.

"Kyna! What's going on? Where are we?" Drake rasped with urgency.

I rand my hand through my long hair and said, "This is my room... from my original dimension."

His amber eyes went wide and he questioned, "How are we here?"

"When I was thinking about home last night I must have accidentally jumped us here," I answered.

"Jump? Like how Cara and Randal are able to come and visit us? Moving through dimensions?" Drake inquired.

I nodded and replied, "I never intended on using that power...ever. This was a mistake. Let's leave now before anything happens."

I moved to get up but he jerked me back down. "We're naked!" He pointed out.

I looked down at his bare sculpted chest and nodded. I summoned us both clothes then shoved his outfit onto his chest. I got off of him and turned around while I put in my clothes. I kept my eyes on the door, making sure that however owned the penthouse now didn't burst in. "Is this you?" Drake asked making me turn back around.

His black shorts hung loosely on his hips and his white shirt was slightly oversized. He was looking at a picture of my parents and me as a baby. I was maybe one or two years old and had pink frosting all over my face. His fingers kept grazing the picture and his eyes were filled with emotion. I smiled and rubbed his arm up and down as I laid my head on his shoulder. "That's me. I believe it was my second birthday," I told him.

"You were cute... and happy," he remarked, "Are you sure you want to leave? I can smell two people in the other room. I'm assuming they're your parents. You could see them again!"

I let my hand fall away from his arm and responded, "I can't do that to them. I must've been gone for years. It would be like seeing a ghost for them."

"But you're not a ghost. You're their daughter. They deserve to know that you're alive," Drake tried to coax me.

I shook my head and reminded, "We can't stay here. We have a kingdom in another dimension to look after. It would be cruel to come back into their lives just to disappear again. They'd think they're going crazy. Their minds mean so much to them... I can't take that away."

"Kyna," Drake started sadly.

"Do you hear that!" Mom's voice echoed from the other room.

My eyes went big and I grabbed Drake's arm. As I pulled him into my old closet you could hear Dad reply, "Yeah. It's in Kyna's room."

"Kyna, this is your chance," Drake whispered beside me.

The door opened to the room and I put my hand over Drake's mouth. He rolled his amber eyes but quickly stopped when we were able to see my parents walk into the room through the gaps in the closet door.

"There's nothing here," Dad told Mom, "There never is."

"I know... I just. I can't help it," Mom said.

"I miss her too honey, but we both know what the police said. She's gone," Dad reasoned.

Mom had a few tears fall down her face and she replied, "I know. At least I still have you."

"And you always will," Dad promised her.

They looked over my old photos for a little while before Mom's phone started ringing. Drake jumped, not used to the strange object and sound, and I had to hold him in place. Mom answered the phone and after listening for a bit she replied, "Okay, I'll be right down."

"Work?" Dad inquired.

"You know me so well," she responded.

"Come on," he said then opened the door, "Let's get you ready for work."

They left the room after that. I could hear them shuffling around in the house, but we didn't leave the closet till the noises in the kitchen were loud enough for us to not be heard. "Go to them," Drake told me.

I went to the door and opened it slightly. I watched Mom run out of her room with her hair held back in a tight bun. Her white lab coat seemed to float around her as she started to eat what Dad had cooked. He kissed her on the forehead and they both smiled. "No... I don't think I will," I whispered.

"What? Are you being serious right now? I would give anything to see my parents again," he argued with me.

"Even me?" I asked.

He looked shocked and be asked, "What are you talking about?"

"If I go in there I won't come back. I already know that," I admitted to him, "My childhood was perfect, but you're perfect for me. So I choose you. I'm not going out there. I'm gonna stay in here... with you. I'll let you see the pictures of me growing up and let you ask your questions... but after that. We're gonna go home. Back to Gordon. Back to our people."

His eyes watered a bit and he gave me a sad smile. "I love you," he proclaimed.

"I love you too," I replied.

I waited a few more minutes as Drake examined each photo. He glanced over the ones with me and my best friend, Ava. He looked at my graduation pictures. However, he paused longer at the ones with my family. He took in a deep breath and took one frame down. "At least take this one. So you have something," he urged me.

I looked at the photo and smiled. It was one of my favorites. We were at the lake. My parents, my grandparents, and Ava as well as her brother and parents. The sun was shining and we were all smiling wide. Ava's arm was around my neck and we were both about to fall from her brother pushing us. Everyone else was on the side laughing.

I took the photo from him and smiled. I held it tightly and hugged it to my chest. "It's weird," I confessed, "I spent so much time trying to forget how happy I once was. Now I'm taking a momento with me."

"The past made you who you are," he told me, "You may be an Amari, but you have always had people who love you."

I smiled at him and put the picture in my left hand. With my right hand, I took his hand and weaved our fingers together. "Let's go home," I told him.

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