Chapter 7: Watson's Gambit

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Emma walked through a white corridor along with a few heavily-clad, armed guards. At the end of the hallway stood a large blast-door. The manager pulled the ID card hanging by a lanyard on her neck, scanning it on the console next to the entrance. With a light "beep," the door slid open. Inside was a control room with many scientists tending to various machines. Emma recognized the head researcher standing behind thick glass that sectioned the room. The manager approached her, staring at what floated in the middle of the room beyond the glass.

The mask she brought with her to Innsmouth levitated within a cylindrical barrier. A red aura radiated from it.

"Ah, Ms. Emma, I didn't expect you to by this early," the researcher greeted.

"The boss wanted me to come by and see how things were going."

Emma knew the woman noticed the bags under her eyes from her expression. "You look tired, would you like some coffee?"

The manager adjusted her glasses. "I'd love one, the strongest you've got."

"Very well. Dr. Klein, bring her a shot of espresso."

Emma received her drink and was shot awake from the first sip. She got five hours of sleep the night before, longer than usual. She knew being the branch manager of a company this large would have its troubles and expected these types of things to happen, but her responsibilities kept her from clocking out completely.

"So how's progress going?"

"Slow but steady. We're still figuring out the composition of the mask and its abilities."

"What've you discovered?"

"The mask is mostly organic, no rubber or plastic has been found in it."

"You're saying it's made of skin and flesh?"

"Experiments have shown the mask can bleed when small incisions are made, but we might need more time for experimentation to prove it."

"Interesting. Any findings on its origin?"

"We don't have a lot of information to go off of, other than your report."

"The deity I spoke to, he mentioned something called the Crawling Chaos."

"We've begun to research about this entity. It might take a while, but I'm certain we'll eventually find something that'll lead us to where this mask comes from."

Emma nodded. "Let's hope."

"I'd like to ask you something I read about in your report, if that's alright with you."

"No problem, go ahead."

"This Amelia Watson you worked with on your operation, you said she was after someone called the High Priestess of Midnight. Could you explain more about that?"

"Apparently, this girl destroyed the world in the future. Watson went back in time to stop it from happening. When I met Watson she wanted to find more info on where to find her."

"This priestess, do you think she has something to do with this mask business?"

Emma shrugged. "Can't say for sure, but it's a possibility. I hope it isn't, though."

'I wonder how those two are doing,' she thought.


Amelia reconvened with the others in the crew's quarters. A few injured men lied in their beds, resting. The Deep One placed down a few boxes nearby. Gura tended to one of the women, giving her water from a pouch. The detective caught sight of Marine consulting one of her pirates.

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