Get out of my office get out of my sight!

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It had been two weeks since you kissed Lieutenant Speirs on the field exercise and almost a month since you saw Lewis.
You were starting to think he was avoiding you but then he was also very busy with intelligence and all that stuff.
Sobel had been fucking up left right and centre with his map skills, he had gotten easy company killed and lost 4 times now.
The NCO's were starting to get concerned with how there CO was performing out in the field.
You being a Sargent knew how the other Sargents were feeling on the matter of Captain Sobel.
Easy had lost Winters to the kitchen and supplies all because of Sobel.
"We need to do something, I am not going into combat with that man." Bill looked at everyone as you all sat around the table in the barn.
"Liv you are staying out of it, we can't risk you getting in trouble" you raised an eyebrow and shock your head.
"I'm a big girl Bill, I am most definitely involving myself with this" the boys looked at each other and sighed, they knew they couldn't reason with you.
"Sweetheart I get that but you could be shot against a wall like the rest of us" Bill had a point.
"It's something I'm willing to take Bill, I will not follow that man into combat" Bill grinned and nodded.
"I second that then" Bill said as he put some paper on the table.
Once you all had wrote out your resignation and sighed it Lip took them and nodded his head.
"Good luck fellas" "and lady" Chuck smiled at you and you winked at him, he went bright red.
"You blushing Chuck" you laughed and he flipped you off.
Now it was just the waiting game for what will happen next.

It had been about three hours since Lip took all your letters to sink, you had managed to take a rather long walk around the small town when suddenly you saw Lewis walk out of a building. You jogged across the road "Lewis!" You called out to him. He stopped and turned around, he had a smile on his face as you got closer.
"Hey how's it going?" He asked while leaning on the door frame of the building he just came out of.
"Yeah yeah not bad, say are you avoiding me" he raised an eyebrow at you and shock his head.
"Not that I know of, why?" You scoffed.
"Well I don't know, maybe because I haven't seen you since the night at the pub" you said his smile fall ever so slightly and he cleared his throat.
"I've just been busy is all" you nodded but you still weren't buying it.
"Well just so you know that night-" you got cut off by a jeep pulling up beside you.
"Sir" the private nodded and saluted and then turned to you.
"Sargent you are requested at Colonel Sinks office at once" you sighed and nodded. You turned away from Lewis when he grabbed your hand.
"What have you done? Are you in trouble?" He asked with concern in his voice.
You sent him a smile and carried on into the Jeep until you went to get in and you turned to him.
"I'm sure you'll find out Lieutenant Nixon, you are the intelligence officer after all" sending him a wink you got into the Jeep and were off to sinks office.

As you walked into the office all eyes came to you.
You heard a 'fuck' come from Bills mouth and you just shock your head.
"Sir you wished to see me" you salute him as he did the same back to you.
"Yes Sargent I did, at ease" he looked at you and sighed.
" it has come to my attention that you with along with your NCO's have handed in your resignation to easy company. Can you tell me why?" His eyes never left your face. You gulped and closed your eyes before opening them again.
"Permission to speak freely sir?" He nodded and waved for you to carry on. You looked to the boys and there eyes were wide. You stepped in front of them and clasped your hands together.
"Look sir the thing is- captain Sobel is a concern to all of us" you waved an arm around you to show you were talking about the NCO's as well.
"With no doubt Captain Sobel has made us into one of the best companies in the 101st if I don't say so myself sir but- but he lacks all knowledge when it comes to being in the field. We are just concerned for the company and I along with the men behind me believe he's going to get a lot of good men Killed sir" you stepped back a little from sinks deck and you could see the wheels turning over in his mind. He got up and looked at you all.
"If I don't say so myself, I'd have you all to be shot at! Given Sargent Goldstones honesty you may all go, now get out of my office and get out of my sight" you all saluted him but he didn't salute back.
"Get!" He yelled out and you all turned to leave the office.
As you walked out last you saw Lewis and Ron stood there against a wall. They both stood up straighter when they saw you all leave.
Lewis went to come over to you but you shock your head at him.
"Not now Sir" you sighed and carried on walking with the rest of Easy's NCO's.
Ron court your eye and he nodded at you and you did the same back.
Your heart felt like it was pumping so fast that it might actually explode. You couldn't believe you had just said all that to Sink.
Hopefully something gets done now you thought.
The next morning Captain Sobel was transferred out of easy company and sent away to another regiment.
Once you and the other Sargents got back last night everyone was silent, as you all walked into the barn.
Bill had hugged you as soon as you walked into the door and so did George.
Bill was worried sink was going to kick you out and it was all of there faults.
You got a kiss on the head from Bill and that was that.
So when everyone found out what you all did you got A load of pats on the back, and a load of cheering when the morning came round and Sobel wasn't with them anymore.
Later that day Ron had come to find you and he found you laying down on the grass talking with Bill.
He smiled when he saw you kick bills leg and he hissed in pain.
Ron could see Bill was like a brother to you, same with a load of the men in Easy, sometimes he wished he was put in easy and not Dog, everyone seems to get along in easy and actually care about each other unlike his own company.
"Sargent!" He yelled out as he leaned on a table not far from them.
Liv wiped around as did Bill.
"Sir?" You called out, he waved you over and you said goodbye to Bill.
Once you got to him he started walking and you followed.
"What have I done now?" You asked as you ran a couple of steps to keep up with him.
"Nothing Liv, just wanted to see how you are doing" you raised an eyebrow at him and he grinned down at you.
"Okay well I'm fine sir"
He nodded. "You and Bill seem close" he raised an eyebrow and you laughed but covered your mouth with your hand.
"Oh god, bills literally like my brother back home, honestly acts exactly like him, trust me when I say this sir but Bill really is just a big brother to me" Ron nodded and smirked.
"I know, I'm just winding you up" you glared his way and whacked his arm.
"Asshole" you whispered and he chuckled.
"It's asshole- sir" you rolled your eyes and flipped him off.
"You don't scare me Lieutenant" he raised an eyebrow and stopped walking to face you, you did the same.
"Is that so Sargent?" He saw you roll your eyes and he grabbed your chin with his hands, your eyes locked with his, he stepped closer so his face was inches away from yours.
"Are you sure?" He whispered and you scoffed.
"Don't try that kind of shit-, it just turns me on so I really wouldn't go there- sir" you dragged out the sir and pushed his hand off yours before pushing him up against a table, he looked surprised but went with it.
You looked up into his eyes and smirked.
"Two can play at that game" you sighed and removed yourself from Ron and turned around to carry on walking back to your barrack.
You looked over your shoulder and saw Ron still half sitting on the table and chuckled.
"Your fly is open sir" he looked down and glared your way, it wasn't but it was funny how many people you had pulled that on already.
"Not it's not" he yelled out and you turned around while walking backwards.
"No but made you look didn't I?" You mocked saluted him and walked off towards Easy's barracks.
Ron sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"What is she doing to me" he whispered to himself.
Fuck he thought, War is going to be very interesting with Liv around.
Ron knew he couldn't let Liv distract him from his objective at hand, but how could he not admire someone like her, someone so talented,Smart, Beautiful and outgoing.
Ron wouldn't call it love but it was definitely a crush.
Or was it?

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