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Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter (If I did it wouldn't have had romione (sorry Hermione and Ron shippers)) neither do I own the Hermione and the marauder's story idea I didn't think that up but this is my fanfiction.

The figure of a young woman raced towards the treeline at the edge of the forbidden forest. She was running, running for her life. There was a small group of death eaters chasing her farther into the woods. Keep running Hermione keep running don't look back, She thought trying to keep her tears at bay.

She was running, not only trying to escape the death eaters but also trying to escape the harsh reality of the battle that had just ended. Voldemort had won, he had killed Harry Potter, the boy who lived was dead. Her best friends were all dead and gone, and there wasn't anything she could do.

If I stop running and let the death eaters get me I could be with Harry and Ron, she thought, I could see them all again. No, Hermione, you have to keep going you can't stop, do it for Harry and Ron!

She ran deeper into the forest the trees becoming denser. I have to hide, she thought fervently. With a twist, she disappeared leaving behind a resounding pop.

-Forest of Dean-

Hermione appeared suddenly in the middle of a brighter and younger forest. It had a happier more peaceful aura that Hermione resented at the time. She put up protective wards in a small circle and slumped onto the ground.

Sobs wracked her body as she broke down in tears of anguish. She lay there for what seemed like hours just crying her eyes out until she could cry no longer. She cried for all her friends and family who had died, and she cried for the fate of the world now that the Darkside had won.

When she calmed down a bit, she took in her current state. Her clothes were ripped and covered in blood (Not all her own), her entire body was covered in injuries but none fatal, her hair was knotted and matted with dried blood, and all her body was stiff, but she had to keep going.

The sun was starting to rise and she felt her eyes drooping as exhaustion sunk in. She laid her head back on the ground and fell into a feverish nightmare ridden sleep.


Hermione awoke around midday still tired and hurt, but she got up anyway. She had to find a way to defeat Voldemort. She paced in a circle, thinking out loud since no one could hear but her.

"Okay, okay, Hermione think! You have to stop Voldemort, what do you do," she questioned "You can't go to the order t-t-they're d-d-ead. You're all on your own, ARGH, HOW AM I GOING TO DEFEAT VOLDEMORT!" She yelled as her emotions muddled together.

"Okay," she said calming herself, "Let's say I do kill him then what all my f-friends a-are d-dead, and what is a life worth living without them?" she cried breaking down again.

"Stop it, Hermione! Stop thinking like, stop breaking down you need to be strong! If only there was a way to save them from dying, but they're already dead. How to save them, how to save them? There's only one way to bring people back from the dead, but the resurrection stone was lost. I couldn't find it could I, one little stone in this big world? No, I couldn't."

Then it hit her (Not really) she pulled the time turner from 3rd year out from under her shirt. This was it this was how she could save them and defeat the death eaters. She could go back in time and save them, all she had to do was go back a day or two and stop them from dying. She was sure it would work it had to and if it didn't she might as well be with her friends where ever they were.

(A/N) Sorry, it's so short but I didn't want to have a long and depressing chapter.

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