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(A/N) I was bored and I know it's the same day but I just felt like it (this one won't be (as) depressing).

Hermione looked down at the golden time turner in her hands. This was it, this was how she would everyone she just needed to do it right, this time around.

She began to turn the time turner the correct amount of times. What she didn't notice was the time turner was damaged badly. She pulled the chain back over her neck as it spun faster and faster. The time turner was glowing a blindly bright glowing white gold. It kept spinning and glowing, she turned her face away it was too bright she couldn't look at it.

Suddenly out of nowhere, it exploded, delicate pieces of the golden neckless flying away in every direction and shattering. She saw the magical barrier around her collapse and break into pieces. The light that used to be the time turner grew bigger and brighter, and incasing Hermione in a huge white sphere.

 Hermione felt her feet rise off the ground and into the air, her eyes closed so that she wouldn't be blinded by the light surrounding her. Her hair was floating out behind her and billowing out behind her even though there wasn't any wind.

Hermione felt a rush of energy going straight up and through her body. She felt herself floating higher off the ground. She tried to scream for anyone, for help but no sound came from her mouth. As Hermione floated upwards the light around her dimmed and she opened her eyes carefully.

She took in her surroundings, the white light around her hadn't disappeared just dimmed enough to see. It felt like she was in a tunnel, the light had created a cone-shaped passageway around her. Colors flashed past her every second, some even formed into pictures. When she looked closer at the picture she recognized them as scenes from the past.

Looking towards the end of the tunnel, it unlike the tunnel itself was black and colorless but it wasn't scary to was in fact inviting. Hermione felt a pull towards the darkness like something important was there waiting for her.

What is this place? Hermione wondered, I got into it with a time turner, I think, it must be like some sort of timeline. Oh wait, a timestream, it's the timestream. As she concluded what the tunnel was, she calmed down her feelings of worry fading away she was going to this. 

The welcoming darkness got closer and closer and she began to speed up. She fell into the dark abyss and hit something hard. Hermione tried to open her eyes but she couldn't. Her mind went blank and the last thing she thought before blacking out was, I did it, I'm going to save them no matter what.

(A/N) Ahh, this chapter is shorter than the last whoops. Hope you liked it.

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