The Second, First Sorting

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~The carriages~

Hermione crumpled these thoughts were making her unbearably sad, but she couldn't help but think them. She had tried to avoid thinking like that, this past week but it was bound to happen she couldn't avoid her past/future. Hermione let out a small strangled sob, hoping not to catch anyone's attention.

Sirius was watching Hermione, to see if she would let anything slip and he was beginning to lose hope when he saw her begin to cry. He at her side in seconds. She let herself fall into sirius' arms, he stroked her hair whispering words of reassurance. Sirius couldn't place it but he felt a connection to this girl that seemed to take him over, he knew that she was suspicious and that he should be more careful around. But if he felt so close to her she couldn't possibly be evil right?

The other occupants of the carriage turned to see their friend holding Hermione to him while she sobbed. They despite their better judgment felt sorry for 'Mione and wondered what could have possibly made her like this. the two moved over to help calm her down as much as they could before the feast.

Hermione cursed herself, she hadn't wanted to break down like this right in front of the Marauders yet it had happened and here they all were comforting her and trying to help. Not to mention Sirius, she felt warm and safe in his arms like he was protecting her from things he didn't know about. Hermione told herself to pull it together she couldn't miss her sorting that wouldn't work out well.

After a little Hermione calmed down, so the Marauders moved away from her to respect her space, well except Sirius he stayed right where he was and started to question 'Mione. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked gently, "Nothing, it's okay," Hermione choked out tears threatening to burst out again. They all knew that wasn't true but decided to lay off it for now.

~The great hall~

They were all sitting at the Gryffindor's table waiting for the sorting to commence, Hermione was sitting there too waiting for her own sorting. She knew she would be a Gryffindor and so did Dumbledore of course, but they had to make her time at Hogwarts seem real. The first years got called up one by one getting put into different houses.

Finally, once all the first years were at their new houses, Dumbledore stood and said, "This year we have a new student joining us. Her name is Hermione Potter she is in her seventh year and is going to be sorted into a house. Please come up here Miss. Potter." Hermione rose from her seat and walked up to the three-legged stool. The hat wasn't even on her head when it shouted "GRYFFINDOR!" as if its life depended on it.

The great hall, except the Slytherins, cheered. The Gryffindors louder than anyone else especially three. Hermione stood and walked back to the table her Gryffindor badge appearing while she did. Hermione was happy, very happy to be in her house for a second she had worried it might place her somewhere else.

Sirius hugged the girl as she sat, the food appearing and stealing his attention from anything else, nothing got between him and food. James laughed and congratulated her happy his sister was in his house. "Hey, Evans come meet my sister!" James yelled down the table to a red-haired beauty. She turned towards him sticking her tongue out and walking towards them.

"Hello, I'm Lily Evans, you must be Hermione Potter I really hope you're nothing like your arrogant toe-rag of a brother," Lily chattered away making Hermione laugh out loud. They enjoyed the rest of the meal and too soon it was time for bed. The little group made their way to the Gryffindor common room together laughing and talking happily.

(A/N) Sorry that I have made some of this so very sad, but I had to show how I think Hermione would feel after everything. I mean her whole world was destroyed and then she was sent back in time and met all these very dead people so it must be very disconcerting. Also, question do you think that I should do different people's POV or just keep up with what I'm doing? Answer in the comments. 

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