Hermione Potter Part Two

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Hermione walked back to Mr. and Mrs. Potter, wary of it not being true and them not really wanting to adopt her. "Mrs. Potter is it true do really want to adopt me?" she asked. "Yes, of course, dear we do," she smiled kindly reassuring Hermione.

"We just need to do the paperwork but then you're officially a Potter. Now why don't you go talk to the boys," Mr. Potter suggested. Hermione turned around and spotted the Marauders over talking to the Prewett twins.

"Hello," Hermione said when she got to them. "'Mione!" James exclaimed in shock when she walked up behind him, "Don't do that you'll scare Peter." His friend looked at him indignantly when he said that. "Sorry, James I didn't mean to make you so scared you had to pretend Peter was the one who was scared," Hermione said sassily making Sirius snicker.

James and the others, excepting Sirius, gaped at her. Her sass had shocked them, seeing that they had found her half-dead in the middle of the woods just a day ago. She and Sirius laughed at their expressions, the Prewett twins chuckled and walked away. Remus was the first one to snap out of his daze and said, "So did you meet Dumbledore 'Mione?" She quickly replied, "Yeah, James Dumbledore said that your parents are adopting me."

What?! James thought shell-shocked, "Yes!" he yelled and everyone looked at him weirdly before looking away. "New sister!" James said hugging Hermione tightly, she flinched at the sudden contact but then embraced her new brother. The rest of the Marauders froze for a few seconds before congratulating the new siblings.

Sirius didn't know what he was feeling, for one he was happy for 'Mione and James, and he felt a weird feeling of relief that he couldn't place. Was he relieved that 'Mione didn't have to go out on her own and possibly die or was he possibly relieved that James only saw 'Mione in a sisterly way? He couldn't possibly have feelings for Hermione, could he?

"There's more," Hermione said pulling away from James, "I can go to Hogwarts this year too, I'm going to be in the same year as you and a Gryffindor." "That's so great 'Mione," they all congratulated her and the small group got into a steady, easy, happy rhythm. 

-Potter Manor-

They filed into the floor-room of Potter Manor. Remus disappeared up the stairs, and then came back down holding his trunk. "Remus where are you going?" Hermione asked, "Oh, uh... my mother is sick, I got an owl this morning, and I have to go see her but I'll still meet you a Diagon alley in a week."

Oh, Hermione realized, it's the full moon how could I miss that. He does look tired. "Oh, okay. I hope you- I mean she gets better," she said, accidentally saying you instead of she. Everyone waved goodbye to Remus and he stepped back into the fireplace. He was whooshed away in bright green flames.

-That day after dinner-

Hermione was sitting on the bed in her new room reading one of her books from the future. It was after dinner and she had gone up to read early. She was reading Rita Skeeter's book about Dumbledore for about the tenth time.

She heard a knock on the door. Hermione stood and walked over and opened the door. Looking out she saw the Marauders standing outside in the hall with sleeping bags and silly grins. "Hey 'Mione, we want to have a sleepover," Sirius said. She giggled and waved them into her room. 'Mione walked back to her bed and inconspicuously hid her book.

They stayed up late laughing and telling stories 'til around midnight when they finally fell asleep curled up on the floor.

(A/N) Sorry, it took so long to update but I have exams coming up and I need to prepare, so it might take me a while to update. Enjoy!!!

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