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{Hermione POV}

I rolled over in my sleep slowly opening my eyes. Bright light flooded in from the windows, lighting up the room. I was sleeping in the seventh-year girl's dorms with Lily, Alice, Mary, and Marlene. They were some of Lily's best friends and I wanted to meet them since I hadn't truly met them in my time. I looked over at Lily she was still asleep her red hair splayed out across her pillow. I checked the time, it was still early but not by that much. Anyways, I knew I should get up because there was no way I was going back to sleep.

I got dressed in my robes and walked down into the common room. I almost jumped in shock at spotting Remus sitting on a couch with a book. I approached quietly so I wouldn't startle him, he was a werewolf, and even though I had nothing against that I would still be careful. I had made it to the edge of the couch and he still hadn't seen me so I said, "Hello, Remus."

{Remus POV}

I jumped when I heard my name. At first, I thought it was James or Sirius, but the voice was definitely female. I turned around and saw Hermione standing at the side of the couch, "Oh, hey. Sorry, you startled me." She smiled and sat down, I flinched away, I didn't want her to touch me. I was a werewolf why would she ever want to be near me? Although she didn't know about my furry little problem as Sirius liked to call it.

"What are you reading?" Hermione asked looking at the book I had in my hand. "Oh, I was just trying to read some muggle stuff but I don't really understand it," I confessed, she chuckled a little and said, "Maybe I can help." I moved so she could see the book, she read the title and seemed to recognize it. "Romeo and Juliet, one of my favorites. It was written by William Shakespeare a long time ago and we don't use many of these phrases or words anymore," Hermione explained.

I paid close attention as she explained the book to me and helped me understand what the words meant. People were slowly starting to come down by the time we finished the book. James and Sirius were of course the last ones to wake up. It took forever to wake Sirius up sometimes he wouldn't even wake up when we splashed him with water. Peter was nowhere in sight, he hadn't come back to the tower last night and I hadn't seen him since the day of the order meeting.

He had been missing a lot lately, but we just thought it was because of his mother. She hadn't been well lately is what he said.

{Sirius POV}

James splashed me with water to wake me up, again. I didn't like that so I chased him around the dorm for a while before we went down. I was the first down the stairs, of me and James of course everyone else was already awake. I stopped dead in the common room, sitting on the closet couch to the fire were Hermione and Remus. They were just sitting there reading some book. I snuck up behind them and yelled boo, Remus turned to smack and scold me but, Hermione had already jumped up pulled out her wand, and was pressing it against my neck.

I yelled in surprise and reached for my wand. Hermione snapped out of it and stepped away, "I-I... uh I'm so sorry." She looked around everyone was staring at her in shock, she pocketed her wand and ran out of the tower. I glanced around and ran after her, seeing no one else would. I ran past door after door trying to find Hermione, finally, I found her sitting in an alcove by a window. She was curled around herself and I could hear soft crying as she shook.

I walked up careful not to startle her again. "Hermione?" I asked gently putting a hand o shoulder. I felt her shiver, I kneeled next to her. Hermione suddenly launched herself at me, wrapping her arms around me, burying her face in my neck, and sobbing. I held her whispering soothing words as I stroked her hair. Finally, she calmed down and I asked, "What's wrong?" It was a dumb question but I didn't know what else to ask. "N-nothing," Hermione tried to pass it off, but I knew it wasn't nothing and I was determined to find out what it was.

(A/N) Sorry, it has taken me so long to update, I was trying to do first-person POV but I don't think it worked out so I might try something different in the next chapter.

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