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(Sirius POV)

Hermione said she'd go to Hogsmeade with me! My brain almost exploded, I shouldn't be this excited but I am. Then we when we were at Hogsmeade, it was amazing! We spent the entire day walking around, going in and out of shops, and just talking. It was absolutely perfect. Hermione was absolutely perfect.

She laughed at all my jokes, even the awful corny ones. The way her eyes sparkled when she laughed, I could spend my entire life staring into her beautiful brown eyes. After we'd been all around Hogsmeade, we stopped at the Three Broomsticks. I got us some Butterbeer, as she grabbed us a table.

I walked over to where she was sitting, and handed her a glass. When she took the drink from my hand our fingertips grazed each other's. I felt sparks fly up my arm at the touch. She smiled warmly at me as I sat opposite her. She chuckled softly, gently muffling the sound with her hand. "Why are you laughing?" I asked curious, "It's just, no one would guess when they first met you, but you're the sweetest person ever."

I laughed a little and smiled back at her. "Now how do you figure that?" I smirked. "Oh I can just tell," she said slyly. 

The rest of the day seemed to fly by all too quickly. After eating dinner and heading up to bed, I couldn't help thinking. That was the most incredible day I've ever had. 

(Remus POV)

Love was in the air, and as cliche as that sounds it is one hundred percent true. After today's trip to Hogsmeade both Sirius and James fell asleep smiling like idiots. All I could think was, I might lose them, now that they have Lily and Hermione, they don't need me.

I knew it was crazy, we were best friends. However I just couldn't stop worrying. I fell asleep after a few hours still thinking about the same thing.


My eyes fluttered open as I drowsily sifted in my bed. It was a Sunday morning and I, for once, didn't want to get up. Slowly I pulled myself out of bed, untangling from the covers, and trudging towards the bathroom. I quickly splashed some cold water on my face to jolt my brain awake. Not the kind of easy mornings I would like, but still.

Walking back into the dorm room, I expected to see James, Sirius, and Peter still sleeping peacefully in their beds, since I'm the first one up all the time. This time though, I looked around to see each of their beds empty. Shocked, I thought, maybe they just couldn't sleep so they went downstairs.

Not wanting to be the very last one awake, I threw on some clothes and raced down into the common room. James and Sirius sat on the couch, which was facing the fireplace. Their arms around Lily and Hermione. They all seemed to be laughing at something Sirius had said. 

Peter was no where in sight, but nowadays that was normal. I walked over to the four of them, waving as I sat in the arm chair beside them. No one made any indication that they had seen me. "Good morning," I said, raising my voice just slightly so that they could hear. Again no noticed me. I stood up moving towards them, making as much noise as I could. I waved my hands in front of each of their faces.

They didn't blink. It's like I was invisible. My thoughts started to spiral, my brain going a mile a minute.


I awoke suddenly, drenched in sweat. Thank god it was a dream, just a dream nothing more. I reassured my self, looking over at my friends beds, and seeing them all occupied. James and Sirius just have crushes, and that's good. We are all going to keep being friends, and no one is going to leave me. 

(A/N) Sorry for making Y'all wait that long for a new chapter, as you could tell I'm a huge procrastinator. Anyways hope you liked it see ya soon!

Love you!

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