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The Marauders; James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew, were at the Potter's house for summer break. It was a sunny day in August three weeks before they had to back to Hogwarts for their seventh year and they were all playing around the woods near the Potter's house. 

"Do you feel that?" Remus asked suddenly and got hit in the head with the ball they were throwing around. "What is it?" James asked, he and the others knew that Remus was a werewolf and had heightened senses. "Just a second ago the air shifted, didn't you feel it?" their werewolf friend replied.

"No," Sirius said walking up to his friend, "remember you have your werewolf senses, not us." The group went back to playing their game, but a few minutes later Remus heard a small crash. "Okay, you have to have heard that," he said, "Heard what, Moony?" Peter asked. "I just a heard a crash that way," he replied pointing deeper into the woods.

"Let's go check it out!" Sirius and James said at the same time and jumping up and down. The four guys walked in the direction the Remus pointed. Remus walked at the front of the group leading them the right way. "Look," Sirius said as they walked into a sunlit clearing. They followed Sirius' gaze and saw a girl about their age laying on the ground.

Her ragged appearance completely shocked them. She had tanned skin that probably would have been flawless if it wasn't covered in blood, bruises, cuts, and other injuries. Her long curly auburn hair was splayed out and matted with clumps of blood. She had a fresh wound on her temple where blood was still freely flowing out.

All the guys looked down at her speechlessly, then Sirius said "How could someone do that, she's our age!" He was outraged, "Well, she won't last long out here like this, let's take her back to your mum Prongs," Remus suggested.

They bent down to pick the girl up and they carried her back to James' house. Peter held the door as the others rushed in. They took her to the living room and laid her down on the couch. "Mrs. P!" Sirius called "Please come here we need help right now!" A small woman with flyaway black hair and warm grey eyes rushed into the room.

She looked down at the couch and gasped, "Oh dear, alright I can fix her up, but then I want some explanations." she said rushing around getting potions and such.

-The Potters-

Mrs. P had taken the girl to the guest bedroom and patched her up as best she could before allowing the boys into the room.

They were all crowded around the bed, hoping she would wake up. Her hand twitched and Sirius was the first to notice. She's waking up we get to meet her, he thought and nudged James. Hermione's eyes fluttered open and she looked around, the first thing she noticed was a boy with messy black hair and round glasses. It's Harry, she thought gazing at him.

They all looked down at the girl who had just opened her eyes, she was looking at James intently. Suddenly she said happily "Harry, your alive I did it!" Her arms wrapped around James' neck and she pulled him to her, hugging him tightly.

Who's Harry? James wondered.

The other guys seeing this started to laugh quietly. Then James pulled away and said, "Sorry, I'm not Harry, my name is James." She titled her head curiously and then faltered, "No, that's impossible you can't be James he's dead, just like Lily." At those words, James freaked out (It only made Sirius, Remus, and Peter laugh harder.) "What I-I can't be dead, I think I'm pretty alive right now. Wait did you say Lily, oh no what happened to Lily is she hurt, is she dead!?"

"Prongs, I don't think she means your Lily." Sirius laughed.

(A/N) Omg yes, three (short) chapters in one day.

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