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Remus POV

It's been a week since our last trip to Hogsmeade, and James and Sirius have been spending less and less time with me. They always seem to be with Hermione and Lily. Sitting together in class, walking through the halls, eating together at lunch. Sirius even went to the library during the free period, because Hermione was there. SIRIUS IN THE LIBRARY. I've been trying to get him in there for ages, and it's never worked.

Can't even turn to Peter, because lately I haven't seen him at all. Not even in class. On top of that my nightmares have been getting worse, and the full moon is almost here. What if they don't even come to help me on the full moon? I worry that we're falling apart.

I'm happy for them though. James has been pining after Lily for years, and Sirius hasn't had a steady relationship since the first year. They seem happy, I just wish I could be a part of that. I miss my best friends, and their foolish, prankster antics.

I'm lonely without them.

Hermione POV

Sirius and I have been together constantly since we went to Hogsmeade together. At first it was sweet and endearing, but now it has become awfully annoying. Of course I would never that to Sirius, he's not trying to smother me on purpose, he's just being affectionate.

Soon enough the excitement will wear off, and everything will go back to normal. Although I think I'll miss it, it is nice having someone there to back you up whenever you need it. I haven't had that since Harry, Ron, and I were at Hogwarts. It seems so long ago, even if it has only been a couple months. I still think of them every single day.

I think Sirius is getting tired of this too. He must wish he was pulling pranks with James or annoying Remus, sometimes. They're his best friends, just like Harry and Ron were mine. Being around the Marauders makes me think of my friends all the time. I can't even begin to imagine the rest of my life without them. I want to be with my friends just as much as Sirius wants to be with his.

I feel lonely without them.

James POV

It's been a while since I've seen Sirius or Remus. I've been busy with Lily, since she's finally warming up to me. It only took me six years. It has been amazing being with Lily so much, but I'm starting to miss my friends. It feels like we haven't seen each other in forever. I just seem to shake the feeling that we're drifting apart.

I know it's crazy, we're closer than Snape's eyes, but I haven't seen either of them in a week. The full moon is coming up, and I'm worried about Moony. This time of the month is always hard, and it's even worse if Padfoot and I aren't around. I miss pranking people with Sirius, I even miss studying with Remus.

Lily can't replace my best friends, I love them, they are my brothers. It's one for all and all for one. It hasn't felt quite like that lately though. It's this terrible feeling like I'm letting them down.

It's lonely without them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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