The Marauders

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Previously- "Prongs, I don't think she meant your Lily," Sirius laughed.

"Oh," James said, "That's good. Anyways, what's your name?" The small group looked down at Hermione and she said, "My name is Hermione, Hermione Granger."

"Nice to meet you, I'm James, James Potter." Sirius studied Hermione's face as it went from confused to scared and he said, "Sirius, Sirius Black" At these words she looked even more scared, and then Remus introduced himself and Peter.

"I'm Remus Lupin and this is Peter Pettigrew," He said. "The rat!" Hermione spat before some realization hit her (Not really.) She looked at the Marauders in fear and cried "I'm dead, I've died!"

The boys shared a glance and Sirius said carefully "No, Hermione, I think we're all pretty much alive-" She cut him off saying, "Wait, what year is it?"

"1977" they all answered.

"Oh, okay, so I'm not dead?" Hermione said it was more of a statement than a question but Peter still answered, "Nope not dead." The door opened slightly and Mrs. Potter bustled into the room. She that Hermione was awake and pushed her way through the boys to her. "Hello Dear, I'm Euphemia Potter, I'm James' mother."

"Mrs. Potter, it's nice to meet you I'm Hermione Granger." Hermione politely introduced herself, much to the Marauder's surprise she didn't seem fazed anymore. "Dinner will be ready in a few minutes and we'd love for you to join us, James can show to the dining room." with those words she walked back out of the room.

Hermione stood up and fidgeted with her hands, "Hey, um... thanks for you know... helping me," she said. "No problem," Remus said and then Sirius cut in, "If you ever wanna know the whole story we'll tell." James opened the door and faked a small bow, she curtsied politely and walked out the door.

Sirius didn't know what it was but watching that little interaction caused a strange feeling to surface in him. It was unpleasant and it caused bile to rise to his throat, the only thing he understood about this feeling was, he didn't like it and he never wanted to feel it again.

The rest of the Marauders followed them out. Remus noticed that Sirius wasn't with them turned and said, "Padfoot come on it's dinner time." These words spurred Sirius and run as fast as he could to get to the food.

Hermione, James, and the Marauders stepped into the living room, it had pale blue walls and a couple of chocolate brown armchairs that matched the couch. They all scurried into the dining room just as Mr. and Mrs. Potter finished setting the table.

They all sat down at the table and started to fill their plates with food. "Hello, I'm Fleamont Potter, you must be Hermione." James' father said, "We'd love to know more about you if that's all right." She looked over all the people at the table and seemed to decide to trust them.

You can trust them Hermione, she thought. "My family was attacked by the death eaters, I couldn't do anything. T-the death eaters k-killed them," she stuttered, and her voice broke but she continued "Yes, I'm a witch, a muggle-born witch. No, I don't go to Hogwarts, I went to Beauxbatons and I'm in my 7th year.

"Oh, you poor dear." Mrs. Potter exclaimed. Hermione caught the look of pity Sirius was sending to her and stuck her tongue out just a little bit. He laughed and refused on the current conversation.

James was animatedly telling Hermione about one of the best pranks they played on the Slytherins. Sirius stopped mid-sentence (He was talking to Remus.) and froze when Hermione's musical laughter rang clear throughout the room. What were these feelings he wondered it wasn't like he didn't like them he just didn't have much experience with them.

Soon they were taking their plates into the kitchen and going to sit down in the living room. "Alright, so we know about you so it's only fair you know about us," James said. "We are the Marauders!" they said in sync and dramatically, "Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs." Going down the line and pointing to each person in turn.

Hermione laughed at their childish introduction. Then she decided to play a little trick on them and said, "The Marauders, huh, you wouldn't have a map would you?"

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