Hermione Potter Part One

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Previously- Hermione laughed at their childish introduction. Then she decided to play a little trick on them and said, "The Marauders, huh, you wouldn't have a map would you?"

Hermione surveyed the boy's shocked faces when she said that. James looked like a deer in headlights, Peter looked like a rat when a cat caught him, Sirius had mixed emotions on his face he looked like he couldn't decide whether or not to look like a kicked puppy who still very much loved whoever kicked him, and Remus looked like someone was running at him shouting Avada Kedavra and holding the scariest knife to ever exist.

"A map?!" Remus choked out, "Why would you think that?" They all seemed to snap out of their surprise to hear her answer, "I just think The Marauder's Map has a certain ring to it. You could even say like this; Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs proudly present The Marauders Map."

Looking up after those words she chuckled to herself at their even more shocked faces. "It's getting late. Hermione let me show you the room you'll be staying in tonight," Mrs. Potter said unknowingly saving the Marauders from having to answer Hermione. The two women made their way up the stairs with Mr. Potter following behind.

The boys sat down in defeat looking bewildered. "How did she do that?" Sirius piped up. "I have no idea Padfoot," James replied.

-The next day-

"All right everyone up, we're going to an order meeting!" James' father yelled up the stairs at the kids (Who were still asleep.) They all hurriedly run down the stairs so they wouldn't be left behind. "Is this like an Order of the Phoenix meeting?" Hermione asked Sirius when they had all made it to the living room.

"Yeah," Sirius said distractedly, "Alright everyone come up here and grab some floor powder, we're going to the Burrow," Mrs. Potter said. Everyone climbed into the fire and yelled "The Burrow" in turn, then were whisked away in green flames.

Hermione was the last one to appear in the fireplace of the overcrowded Burrow. She looked around at all the people, she saw some of the Hogwarts professors and a bunch of people she didn't know. She walked over to the Potter, who were talking to Dumbledore at the time. "Albus, there's someone we would like you to meet, Hermione." Mr. Potter said calling Hermione over.

Hermione walked to the three adults and introduced herself to Dumbledore, "Hello, Professor Dumbledore I'm Hermione Granger and I'd like to speak with you alone." The Potters looked quite shocked but Dumbledore simply nodded and motioned for her to follow him.

"What is it, Miss. Granger?" he asked, "I'm not entirely sure how to say this Professor, but I come from the future, a future that isn't very nice. I've come to this time to stop Voldemort before the future I'm from can become real."

"I believe you," he said, "You will of course be coming to Hogwarts Miss. Granger?" She looked at him surprised that he believed her so easily, but then he was Dumbledore. "Yes, I'll be coming to Hogwarts, but no one can know I'm from the future."

"Miss. Granger I do think that Euphemia and Fleamont should be informed of this seeing as they will be adopting you," Dumbledore explained. "Of course Sir, wait what, adopting me?!" she exclaimed.

"Yes, Miss. Granger, Mr., and Mrs. Potter came to inform me of a girl their son found in the woods and after getting to know this girl they decided it would be best for her safety that they took her in as their own."

They want to adopt me? Why? Should I accept? Hermione wondered, Yes if they adopt me then I could get closer to the Marauders and save James and Lily, not to mention the fact that I'll have a family again.

"Alright," Hermione said and followed Dumbledore back to the Potters.

(A/N) This is a little boring but it's crucial to the storyline so I had to put it in. (Sorry, if I bored you to death. (I think I bored me to death too.))

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