Welcome to Hogsmeade

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~James POV~

Tomorrow was our first visit to Hogsmeade of the year, well the first allowed one anyways. I was planning to ask Lily to go with me, but I was afraid she'd say no like always. I walked over to Lily and said, "Hey, Lily I was wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me tomorrow?" She looked up and said, "Sure why not." 

I punched the air and ran over to sirius to tell him. When I got there though Sirius was already occupied. "Hey, Mione?" he asked the girl at the other end of the couch. "Yeah," she looked away from her book, "I was thinking do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me tomorrow?" She nodded and turned back to her book. I watched the whole exchange and then sat down to talk to Sirius.

The next day at Hogsmeade we all agreed to meet up at the three broomsticks after walking around. Lily and I first headed off to Honeydukes to stock up on sweets. We walked through the woods towards the Shrieking Shack unknowingly. "Why did you say yes to coming with me today?" I asked, "You may not believe this James, but I actually do like you." she said. I looked at her and said, "I do believe you. You may not believe this, but every time I ask you out I'm afraid you're going to say no."

"I believe you too," she said turning to me, "So it seems we both believe each other." I started to lean in slowly, Lily closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around me. Our lips touched and fireworks went off in my head. I twined my arms around her waist pulling her close. After what seemed like forever she pulled away and stared into my eyes. I didn't need to look to know exactly the way the light was reflecting in her eyes.

"You know James you don't have to be scared I'll say no when you ask me out ever again," Lily whispered leaning her forehead on mine. 

~Hermione POV~

Sirius and I walked through the streets of Hogsmeade looking in windows and marveling at the things in the shops. Hogsmeade hadn't changed one bit, it looked exactly like it had all those years in the future on Harry, Ron, and I's first trip to Hogsmeade. We walked in a comfortable silence down the cobble street. 

It was beautiful it brought back so many amazing memories. I just let them all in wanting to relive the past a little. Sirius turned towards me and said, "Hey do you want to go to Honeydukes?" He didn't give me time to answer as he pulled towards the shop like an eager puppy. 

Hermione was greeted by the amazing smell of candy, something she hadn't had in a long time. She couldn't wait to delve into the many selves full of sweets on the store.

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