always new people

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I look at the boy, he's gorgeous. It makes me think of my younger self, now I sound like and old man. He looks innocent and stuffed with exciting ideas about how to change the world. And then and there i decide i will protect this little cinnoman roll from all the lord henry's in his life. "so your name is Dorian" "exactely" "dorian Gray as is oscar wilde's novel" "yes, cute isn't it." I see a book in his bag "what are you reading?" "The tell tale heart" "I love that  one, mister Poe is very talented isn't he" "I think he is." I realize he has an american ring to his voice. "Are you American?" "yes, I lived in the US for quite a while but my father is a German." "interesting mix" "So did you read a picture of Dorian Gray" "of course"

I show him around. "Did you know Dorian means history in greek?" I ask him. "No, i didn't know that" "well now you do" we go on with the tour.

"We have some weird rules like you can't walk on the lawns, only proffesors can, by the way are you sleeping in dorm or did you buy a house?" "I'm renting a little room" "you're not much of a talker are you?" "no, not really"

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