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"of course" I don't want to keep him waiting because it's pouring outside. "Why are you here?" "my neighbour is blasting music through the walls and I don't know anyone else in Oxford. So I wanted to ask you if I could study here." "Of course, let's study in the library" we alk towards the library, I light the fireplace so he doesn't get cold and hand him a blanket. "are you ok?" he asks "why you ask?" "you look messy, and you're a well clothed control freak who puts effort in his looks even when you are going nowhere." "Wow, and how do you know" "well first of all your panic when you saw my room, second of all your closet and third of all I have a spy" He says with a wink. I can't hold my laugh. "You sure you want to be a doctor Sherlock Holmes?" "I love those books" "me too" "Do you have them He says lookig through the library" "I do" I go up the stairs and come back with some books. "They are the old versions"I say as I dust them of. He admires them. I comb my hair with my fingers and decide I'm just gonna read picture of Dorian Gray again. I'm halfway through the next chapter when I see Noach admiring me instead of the books. I slowly turn my head. His face turns as red as his hair in embarresment.I chuckle. The bell rings more people? I don't want them. Then I realize it could be my sister Emily and I hurry upstairs to put a suit on. I don't care she has to wait in the rain she is my sibling.

I open the door it is indeed Emily and Kelly, her fiancee. "Congrats, girls, show me the ring" I say while hugging them both.

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