beauty is nothing but a mask

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Emily is trying to explain everything and sends me to my room. I'm smoking a cigarette when I look up and see the curiously carved mirror that lord henry had given me, so many years ago. Is standing on the table, and the white-limbed Cupids laughed round it as of old. I took it up, I looked with wild, tear dimmed eyes into the its polished shield. Once, someone who had terribly loved me had written a mad letter, ending with these idoltrous words: "The wold is changed because you are made of ivory and gold. The curves of your lips rewrite history." The phrase comes back to me, and repeats itelf over and over. I loath my own beauty, and, flinging the mirror to the floor, curshed it beneath my heel. It was beauty that had ruined me, the beauty and youth I had prayed for. Why did I pray for that? My beauty had been nothing but a mask, my youth but a mockery. I look outside it's pouring and no one would ever go outside in this weather. I'm stuck with a girl who doesn't know about my secret but is now being told the ridiculous story of my life. I'm trapped in my own house. I can't breath anymore. so I decide to be that one strange person to go outside with this weather. I grab a coat a a silk scarve. I take my rolls royce because a porsche it too noisy to sneak out with. I'm going to London.

Emily pov.

I come upstairs, kelly understand everything and doesn't think it's bad or something. I love her for being so relaxed about it. I knock on dorians door. There's no answer. "Dorian, are you ok?" I'm fine I expect to hear. I wait for some time. Nothing. I begin to panic and try to get the door open. Kelly comes upstairs. "Is everything Ok?" "No, he locked the door and I can't get it open." "lemme do it" she says. She kicks in the door. The windows are wide open and a shattered mirror is laying on the floor. I immediately look if there is a corpse underneath the window. I am relieved when I see that there's none. "why doesn't he have his phone with him" Kelly asks. Shit, he doesn't want to be found. But I know where he would go. He's going to London, to his fathers or his mansion.

I arrive at my fathers mansion.

Hi, everybody I used some words from oscar wilde book last chapter so yay

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