a name

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Another day,another Chance. That's what I used to say. I go downstairs and get somesheet music. I begin to play, an old song I used to play with lady Agatha "Forest scenes" by Schumann, Basil gave me these sheets. They are very old and are starting to crumble but I know every single note by heart. My sister comes down and puts the Tv on. I look Irritated in her direction but she doesn't notice ( or pretends she doesn't notice). A newscaster is talking about some conflict somewhere in the world. "And now more news about the mysterious portrait from Oscar Wilde." he says. "They found a little note with a date and the name of the sitter." My heart begins to beat in my throat and I start to hyperventilate. A picture of the portait is shown on screen. "The name of the sitter is dorian Gray"  He continues "people are speculating that this is the boy oscar wilde wrote a picture of dorian gray about. We are making contact with Elizabeth Rosenfield, an art proffesor. Who so you think this was, mrs. Rosenfield?" "Of course this is dorian gray." "What  relationship did they have?" Well he is not a distant relative or friend, he could be close family or lover or riend of course" Emily shut the tv off and looks at me. "and now tell me, who was wilde and what did he mean to you?" I want to answer when i notice kelly standing on the stairs staring at us.

what time is it?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang