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It's late when I go into my room. People are exhausting. I grab the importsnce of being earnest and begin to read. I look at my phone if there are any intersting articles. I find one about psychology when I see an article about th painting. "signature found on the misterious Oscar Wilde painting" I click on it, Basil Hallward, I didn't know he signed it. I think about basil I was mad when he decided he was going to go to France. In the beginning he sent me letters but after four months he had another relationship and didn't write me anymore. I have one painting from him in my room nut if  I look at it I want to cry, throw up or destroy it.

Emily's Pov,

I'm worried about Dorian he seems very closed and depressed. I hope he tells me everything. I change clothes and go to my and kelly's room.  Kelly is reading a book, it's a book from shakespeare I laugh "Dorian's reading is contageous" 'can you explain what makes your brother so nice but standofish?" Kelly asks.  "My brother was hurt very many times in his life, so he build a wall of polite standoffishness." "How did he get hurt" "He was used and abused for the benefit of others when he was a child and teenager." "Could you describe your brother to me" "That's difficult" I can't tell her his secret I think affter a while thinking about it "He is a lone wolf who doesn't like people being curious about him but is very curious. He is a boy who is balancing above a cliff between life and death. He is a damaged person and that is why he needs me." Kelly nods and gives me a kiss. We go to sleep

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