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Ashes drifting in the wind, like first snow of winter, chaos was all around. Tall structures which stood like mountains once, were turned to dust and rubble. Fire spread across where the eyes could see. Cries of help and desperation were unheard, as the blazing flame roared louder and louder, the whole city burned. The sight was beautifully chaotic. Like a dream of a madman. Amidst of the chaos stood a figure proudly, the figure was standing tall as if it is the architect of destruction. Its eyes were glowing red, its body made of hay straws was un moved by all the destruction around it. It had an evil smile on its face, eternal darkness in its eyes. It was indeed Scarecrow Jack. It held the flame in his hand, unaffected by it, the flame danced in its hay hands, not burning them. It laughed, and laughed menacingly.

Eyes opened at once, a young man sat up on his bed. Restless, his breath was heavy and heart was pounding. The man gasped for air, as if he was suffocating. The man got up from his bed, he walked towards the huge window of his penthouse. He saw the city was glowing bright with the lights as always. It was a dream of the young man. The young man then went into his bathroom. He looked in the mirror and saw his outgrown beard, and messy hair. The man took a shower. He wore a sweat shirt, a hoodie and jeans. This man was Damon, unchanged, un-aged even after all those years.

Damon went down from his penthouse. He walked five blocks away from his home. The city was as lively as it always has been, the night life had just begun as, it was four hours before midnight. Damon passed through the crowd of people, each busy and engaged in their lives, un aware of their surroundings. Blinded by lust and greed, the human race had changed a lot Damon wondered. Damon stopped in front of a tall building. The lights were dim inside, the clear glass outside reflected the liveliness of the city. The building was an office. There was a sign board lit on the building it said “Invincible Corp”.

Damon walked inside the building. The guard on the front door opened the door for him. The receptionist greeted him to which he lightly nodded. He came in front of three elevators. One of the elevators had a security touch screen panel and it read “To the Penthouse. Authorized access only.” Damon entered the code and the elevator opened. Damon went inside and went to the top. The elevator opened to a huge office. The floor was made out of white marble which was spotless and so clean one could see its reflection. The ceiling was painted, depicting tales of the roman empire. There was an exquisitely hand-crafted wooden office table, and an exquisite chair to match it as well. A small library, a personal bar, and a view of the whole city were the highlights of this office.

A man in his late fifties stood in front of the window. Looking at the city, smoking a cigar. He turned around and said to Damon “Can’t sleep, can you? old pal.”  The man walked towards his bar, poured two glasses of whiskey, offered one to Damon and sat on his chair. Damon sat in front of him and took a sip of his whiskey. “My nightmares don’t let me sleep. Each night, a war rages inside of me, a war between me and the Scarecrow. It wants to come out, it wants to wreak havoc. It wants to kill. I don’t know what to do with my life. I have been travelling for a long time, I have seen countless people die, people who became my friends. The scarecrow won’t let me die either. It has saved me every time I came across death; my immortality has become my curse.”

The old man said “I don’t understand why you just cannot accept that your power is a gift, blessed to you for a greater purpose. You are burdened with this strength for a reason. A reason which has yet to reveal itself, perhaps, you should share this power with someone, someone like me.” The old man laughed with a sarcastic tone.
Damon laughed on this comment and said “Alonso, you bastard, you always know how to make me laugh. Besides I can’t share this power with anyone, my soul is fused with the scarecrow and I don’t know how to un fuse it. What are you going to do with this power anyway? You have earned a fortune for yourself, what more could you want?”

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