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I don’t want to attend any party; you can go and tell the mayor I went out of the city for a few days.” Replied Damon.  “No Damon, you rarely meet people, this is a good chance to introduce yourself and socialize a little. Please come to the party, attend it for me, you can leave early if you want.” Persuaded Alonso. Damon agreed and hung up the phone. He got up and freshen up, ate breakfast and thought about how he needed to approach Scorpion. He had to reach Scorpion silently, without raising any suspicions and alerting any guards. He didn’t know how Scorpion looked and he had to find him first. Damon wanted to meet Lena again, part of his mind was still thinking about her. But Damon feared what would happen when Lena finds about his alter ego. The thought of her learning about the scarecrow changed his mind.

Damon exercised for a little while, he did push-ups, pull ups, squats, crunches and practiced his fighting skills. Damon’s penthouse had a lot of room. There was a gym, a swimming pool and three bed rooms. Damon had one bedroom in use, the other two were unoccupied.

After exercising Damon took a shower and went out. Damon wanted to spent some time, as soon night falls, he would head for the port. As Damon was walking around the city, he came across a showroom which sell exotic bikes. Damon looked around and noticed a bike that looked attractive. He went inside the showroom. After he went inside, a salesman greeted him and asked him what he wanted, Damon pointed towards the bike and the salesman started telling him the features of the bike. It was a Kawasaki Ninja. After learning about the features and capabilities of the bike Damon agreed to purchase it. After purchasing it, Damon started the bike, the sound was loud and every time Damon accelerated, the sound became more exhilarating. Damon was an inexperienced rider. He drove the bike slowly around the city to understand it better. After two hours of driving slowly and getting the feel of the bike, Damon started speeding up and enjoyed the ride.

Damon’s time was passed during his bike learning experience, and it was time to head to the port. Damon took his bike and parked it a few blocks away from the port. Damon climbed a wall to gain access inside the port, he noticed the port’s entrance was guarded by goons. He landed safely behind a huge container, which was enough to conceal him. Damon noticed many ships docked and many containers loading and off-loading. The port was busy tonight, there were many thugs and goons patrolling the port as well. After a few minutes, an SUV came inside the port. The car stopped in front of a huge warehouse, where many containers were off loaded. A bald man with a beard stepped out of the car and walked inside the warehouse. Damon noticed a guard patrolling near him. He crouched and using the shadows reached the guard. He grabbed the guard by his neck from behind and pulled him behind a container near them forcing the guard to drop his weapon. Damon covered the guard’s mouth restricting him from calling for help.

“Who is Scorpion? Where is he? Tell me and you will live. If you call for help or shouted or made a sound other than what I want to hear, I promise you, your death will haunt you even in the after-life.” Whispered Damon. The guard understood, Damon slowly removed his hand covering the guard’s mouth, but Damon tightened his grip on the guard’s neck choking him enough to not shout. “The bald man, that walked inside the warehouse, he is Scorpion, please let me go.” The guard said while struggling to speak. The guard passed out from the constant pressure choking him. Damon hid the unconscious guard behind the container, and looked for a safe path inside the warehouse. There was quite a distance between Damon and the warehouse, and there was less cover for Damon to sneak behind. Damon had an idea, he transformed into the scarecrow.

The scarecrow’s form was different, it was skinnier than ever, almost about the width of a pair of sticks, it was lighter and faster, allowing for a fast movement the unsuspecting eye couldn’t even see. The scarecrow moved from cover to cover in such speed that the patrolling guards felt nothing as it passed by them. The light body almost made no noise as it moved. Finally, the scarecrow reached the warehouse. The warehouse was huge, it had lots of space inside to hold the cargo unloaded from the ships. Forklifts were used to move cargo and load them into trucks. Cranes and heavy machinery were used to unload containers inside the warehouse. The scarecrow noticed the bald man along with his men in the distance, checking some cargo that was unloaded earlier. The scarecrow moved closer to them using the unloaded cargo and machines as cover.

“Take this shipment and deliver it to the Russians. Call me when it is done.” The Scorpion instructed a man next to him.  “You go to the Chinese area and demand for payment, if they deny kill their men and retrieve the shipment.” He instructed another man. One of the men asked “Boss, what is happening? Why the port is guarded heavily tonight? And why are you demanding payments on the spot? We have deals with the gangs; they will pay us as decided, rest assure.” Scorpion angrily looked at the guy, he grabbed him by the collar and replied “You fucking swine! You forgot what happened to the club a few days ago, Alejandro died, I don’t know who set fire to the club. But I know it wasn’t an accident. It must have been another gang in the city trying to act tough by messing around with us. I’ll show them what happens if you mess with us, they will pay us on the spot from now on, this is what the Boss also wants. We need to set an example to the others. If they deny payment, then they shall be wiped out. Someone wants to fuck around with us, I’ll show them what it means to fuck around with Los Desalmados.” Scorpion pushed the man away. The man walked away silently as he didn’t want to anger his boss more than he already was.

After instructing all his men, Scorpion walked towards a room upstairs. The scarecrow thought this was the moment to approach Scorpion. It followed Scorpion, remaining hidden behind cover. Scorpion entered the room. It was an office, there was a window inside the office which was opened. The window showed the view of the open waters behind the warehouse, ships coming in and out of the port could be seen. The scarecrow climbed out of the window of the warehouse, it jumped inside the water and extended its arm to grab the ledge of the window of the office and climbed inside. As the scarecrow landed inside the office, Scorpion didn’t hear it as, he was watching television facing the opposite side. The scarecrow transformed back into Damon. Damon grabbed Scorpion from behind by his neck.
“I don’t want to kill you; I want to know about Juan Rodriguez and his whereabouts. What mysterious artifact he possesses? Tell me what I want to know and I will let you live, Scorpion.” Damon threatened the Scorpion. The bald man nodded his head in agreement, as Damon loosened his grip. The man coughed, while gasping for air. After he started laughing and Damon was confused. The man said “Oh my, the boss was right, you showed up. Well too bad for you, you can’t leave here alive. Oh! And I am not Scorpion ha ha-ha.” Damon was furious, he knocked out the guy in anger. Just as he was thinking what to do, a voice spoke through the speakers “You there, come downstairs let’s talk.” Damon noticed that there was a microphone attached to speakers in the warehouse. The microphone was used to announce ships arrival and call for employs. The microphone was on, and all that Damon said was heard outside. In addition to microphones, there was a CCTV system inside the warehouse as well which recorded all the movements in the warehouse. Damon checked the CCTV and found no signs of the scarecrow’s movements, but he saw an army of goons waiting for him downstairs with guns at the ready. “So much for sneaking silently.” Damon thought to himself.

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