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Arnold Travis was almost in his early sixties; he was born in a poor family. He was a brilliant student and received many scholarships. After he completed his studies, he joined a political party and worked his way up their ranks, it took him almost thirty years to become the mayor and reform this city. He earned a lot of respect among the rich and famous, the cities most population loved him, but some opposed him as well. There were many rumors circulating about his ties with the criminal organizations, but all of the rumors and accusations were baseless.

Before Damon came inside Alonso’s office, Arnold and Alonso were discussing the on-going excavation work outside the city, they were mining for minerals. Some legal permits were required to continue the work, Alonso was discussing this with Arnold, before Damon interrupted them. Their conversation came to an end, and the mayor took his leave. Alonso explained to Damon that the mayor was one of the good guys, and he is working for the betterment of this city. Alonso asked Damon how he learned about the slums area and the mayor’s negligence.

Damon told him his interaction with Lena, but he didn’t mention the part about the sacrifices and cult following. Alonso said “Damon, buddy, the press always wants to throw dirt on a good guy, they will always show you the bad side of a person, not his good deeds. The reporters all just want controversies, as it will help them gaining popularity for their channels and themselves. Don’t worry about these matters. I have known the mayor for quite some time now, if he was an ill hearted person I would’ve known for sure.” Damon was assured by Alonso’s statement after all he was his friend.

Damon came to talk about doing something good for the slums and the people living there. His argument with the mayor, and assurance from Alonso satisfied him. Damon asked Alonso “What if I get rid of Juan Rodriguez and his men? No one would suspect me as I have scarecrow to do the job.” Alonso explained “This wont change anything, someone else will take his place, as, you cannot inflict justice on Juan in the light of the day, you will have to do it in the shadows, but what is the point of the justice which is done in the shadows? Juan will die, someone killed him? That’s it. His legacy will continue, he will still be a hero to many, we need to expose him for what he is. A good for nothing criminal. You want to help the slums, bring evidence on Juan, I promise you myself justice will be served.”

Damon understood what Alonso explained to him. He took his leave. Damon drove to the coffee shop. He ordered a coffee and sat there to drink it. As Damon was having his coffee, he was interrupted by Lena.

Lena didn’t have Damon’s contact number; she came to the coffee shop hoping to find him. Lena immediately asked “Are you involved in that fire that burned Hell Pit club?” There was doubt in her voice, she didn’t want to believe that Damon could do it. Damon replied “I saw it too in the news, earlier today. I couldn’t find the time to visit that club. I decided to visit it today, but seems some unfortunate accident took place there. Did you actually think I could do it? What is wrong with you?”

Lena was relieved and ashamed at her own statement, “No…I... didn’t…meant…sorry. I mentioned the club to you yesterday, so I thought you might have visited. I lost my only lead I had in this case and it messed up my mind, never mind sorry again.” Lena said. Damon realized Lena was quite stressed by the club burning down, she really wanted to find more information. But to protect her, he had to lie to her. Damon also realized that he was dealing with dangerous people, especially Juan who has mysterious powers, and Lena is an ambitious girl and wants to find the truth even if it puts her in harm’s way. So, he lied to her.

To cheer her up Damon invited her to have dinner with him, at first, she declined the offer due to her stress but later gave into Damon’s persuasion. Damon finished his coffee. Both Damon and Lena left the coffee shop, Lena wanted to call a taxi but Damon informed her he had a car. When Lena saw Damon’s car she was surprised. She immediately asked him “Are you really a tourist here? Tell me?” Damon laughed and replied “No, I just moved here, I have a share in a company run by my friend.” Lena sat in Damon’s car; she clearly hadn’t been in a car like this. Damon started the car and drove away. Along the way Damon told her about his and Alonso’s friendship, but he didn’t reveal how they met. He came up with a false story. He told her Alonso was a family friend of Damon’s parents. After the death of his parents Damon moved to this city, as, he had no relatives. Lena believed Damon’s story. Damon pushed the throttle a little more, accelerating the car, Lena enjoyed it. Damon brought her to the same restaurant where he and Alonso had dined before.

The manager immediately recognized Damon, and arranged the best table for them. They both had dinner and left the restaurant. “I have never dined at this restaurant before, its exclusive and reservations have to be made three weeks before for a normal table, to eat at the best table was a dream of mine, thank you Damon.” Damon smiled back at her. Along the way to Lena’s house, she told Damon she has a degree in business major, but her passion compelled her to become a news reporter. Lena lived in the west part of city, this area had normal houses and was populated mostly by middle class families. Lena lived with her parents; she had a younger sister who was in high school. When they arrived at her house, she invited Damon inside to meet her parents but Damon refused.

Lena kissed on Damon’s cheek and thanked him again. Damon was stunned by the kiss. Then he drove back to his house.
Lena reminded Damon of Marie, her face was different but her enthusiasm and spirit were similar to her, along the way Damon was thinking about Lena. He felt bad for lying to her, but in his defense, he was doing it to protect her. Damon had shut off his feelings for a long time. After Marie died, he never loved anyone else, he was afraid of losing someone beloved again, as his heart still aches by the pain of his losses. Damon dispersed his thoughts and thought about how to confront the Scorpion. He should approach him carefully, as if he is reckless, Scorpion might run away.
Damon stopped at his building, he parked his car and walked out of the parking lot. He noticed two mysterious figures in the distance atop a building again. The figures were watching Damon, when he noticed them the figures stepped back and vanished. Damon now knew someone was watching him. Part of him wanted to pursue the figures, but part of him knew, that these pursuers would eventually come face to face with him, so he went home and sleep instead of pursuing them. The next morning Damon woke up by the sound of his phone, he looked at the screen and it was Alonso calling, Damon answered his phone, and before he could speak Alonso said “Hey pal, you up yet? Well, the mayor has thrown a party next week, and he specifically asked me to invite you. The party will be held at the town hall. Oh! I almost forgot, wear a tuxedo and arrange for a date, the city’s most wealthy and influential people will all gather there. Many celebrities will be there too.”

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