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“Behold the power of the artifact, Behold the power of my lord Satan. Those who are not believers, witness as the day is not far when Satan almighty would come to earth, his armies of hell will ravage earth and reshape it as a new kingdom of the prince of darkness. Those who stand oppose him shall be killed, their souls shall be tortured for the rest of eternity.” Said Juan as he began to carve his symbol. Suddenly the lights went out. It became dark inside the room. People heard the sound of screams and struggle around them. Gunshots were fired, the people crouched down in fear. When the lights came back, all the thugs inside were dead. Some had three headed blades pierced in their chests and necks, some had their throats slit.

Damon was also shocked what happened around, but he came back to his senses and told everyone to run away. The main door was locked from the outside, Damon told everyone to run down to the basement. Damon handed Alonso a gun and told him to protect Lena. Alonso understood, Lena wanted Damon to come along with them, but Alonso pulled her inside, she protested against it and shouted but Damon asked her to remain calm and locked the door from outside. Juan and his followers were also shocked at what happened, the mayor was also rescued during the panic created by the deaths of Juan’s thugs.

Juan grabbed one of his followers and stabbed him, pouring his blood on the stone. The stone started glowing brightly and Juan put his hand on it. Juan closed his eyes and chanted some words. When he opened his eyes, they were completely black. Juan ordered the rest of his men to come inside. Many men with weapons came inside. Some men stayed outside. Two mysterious figures jumped down from the top. They were dressed in white cloaks, they were wearing sleeveless armor, with a cross insignia. The figures were a male and a female. Both were armed with knives, swords and throwing knives. “Who are you? You dare interrupt the work of the mighty Satan?” Juan asked the mysterious couple.

The male said “We are soldiers of God; we protect people from the likes of you. You preach false religion, you misguide people into committing sin, all in the name of Satan. We are here to stop you and end your schemes.” The pair attacked the thugs, they slashed and kicked their way. They were trained in many forms of fighting, their skill with the blades were exceptional. The male found and opening to attack Juan, he lunged forward with great speed. Juan had strange power running through his body. He punched the guy; the punch sent the guy flying backwards. Fortunately, the guy was wearing armor, which reduced the impact of the punch, otherwise fatal injury was imminent.

The female shouted “Jian, are you all right?” While she battled thugs.
Jian replied, while kicking up from the ground “Yes, Saya, I am all right. But he is strong, it will take some effort to bring this guy down.”
Damon wasted no time in transforming into the scarecrow. He transformed into his normal form, which had both speed and power balanced. When he returned to the hall, he saw and noticed the mysterious figures, they were familiar, but Damon focused on Juan only. The room was surrounded with horror when the scarecrow showed up, Juan’s followers were terrified to see it, the thugs who were fighting were also scared to see such a creature. Jian and Saya also noticed the scarecrow, but their reaction was normal, they did not say anything to the scarecrow. Juan’s reaction was different from the rest. He said to his followers “Don’t worry! It is a being of evil, sent by our king The Mighty Satan. Come brother join me, I know about you, I know of your crusade.” Before Juan could finish his sentence, the scarecrow punched him in the chest, Juan was sent flying backwards, his body float through the air through his followers, toppling them down like bowling bowl pins.

Juan felt pain, even though he had strange power running through him. He grunted in pain, he got up “You are supposed to help me, don’t you want to serve our lord Sat…” Juan was shouting and before he completed his sentence, another punch from the scarecrow landed on his chest, sending him flying backwards again, this time through the wall, breaking it and thrown in the room behind. Juan’s followers were scared out of their minds, they started begging for mercy from the scarecrow. But the scarecrow didn’t want them, it wanted Juan only. The scarecrow extended its fingers into ropes, and tie them around Juan’s followers, tying them up, so they can’t run away.

Juan recovered from the punch and stood up; the scarecrow also went into the back room through the broken wall. This was another hall, it was empty. Juan knew the scarecrow will not reason with him. He attacked the scarecrow, punching his face, and his body. The attacks from Juan were powerful, but they did not hurt the scarecrow, just pushed it back. the scarecrow retaliated with a barrage of punches, which impacted Juan’s body, Juan fell to ground, in pain. His eyes went back to normal; his power ran out. He desperately crawled back to the artifact, but the scarecrow grabbed him by his neck and lifted him up from the ground. Juan beaten, bruised looked in the blazing red eyes of the scarecrow and said “You are no different from me, you are a monster too, I killed in the name of our lord Satan, you also killed and murdered countless people, departing their souls to our lord, ha ha ha. But mark my words, our leader will avenge me. Kill me now, so that I can serve the prince of darkness in hell.” Juan laughed as he closed his eyes waiting for the scarecrow to finish him. But the scarecrow held back, it dropped the beaten Juan on the floor. Juan was surprised he said “What are you doing? Why won’t you kill me? I am a murderer, a killer, why won’t you judge me like you judged countless before me?” The scarecrow replied “Your retribution lies in your life, you were beaten, your plans ruined, your false empire collapsed, you shall live and face judgement in this world, you will be brought before justice in front of all the people who thought you to be a messiah, they will see you for what you are, a false God who made empty promises. This shall be your legacy.” The scarecrow using its fingers as ropes tied Juan, and left the room.

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