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Damon started transforming into the scarecrow. Straws of hay came out beneath his skin and wrapped around his body, replacing his skin. his face also vanished and was replaced by hay straws. The mask automatically appeared on his face; his body transformed completely. “Finally…I was getting excited by all the action, thanks for letting me out Damon.” the scarecrow spoke in a terrifying voice. The men were in disbelieve, what was the creature in front of them, they had no answer. The scarecrow extended both his arms wrapping around the bouncer’s left leg and right hand, it then lifted it in the air and tore his body from limb to limb, ripping him in half, like he was a piece of paper. The bouncer screamed as his flesh was tearing from his bones, his organs falling out of his body. Soon his screams turned silent, as he met with the most gruesome death he couldn’t have imagined.

The scarecrow then turned its attention towards Alejandro, who urinated himself in fear. The scarecrow put his hand on Alejandro’s chest and extended his fingers to wrap around his back. It then asked Alejandro again “What does this tattoo means? Tell me and I might let you live. Hahaha.” Alejandro remained silent, and the scarecrow started tightening its grip around Alejandro’s body. Alejandro felt the pressure applied on his body, making it harder to breathe, and squeezing his bones and organs. He understood, if the scarecrow kept tightening its grip he will die. “I will tell you everything, please let go of me, I can’t breathe.”

The scarecrow loosens its grip, enough to let Alejandro breathe and talk.
“It all started a few months ago, Juan had a deal with some guys to smuggle an artifact in the city, however, the deal went sour and converted in a shootout. We killed the men. Juan took the artifact into his custody, he wanted to sell it at first. After a few days, Juan changed into someone different, he started chanting words I never heard before, he told me to abduct a person to sacrifice, at first, I hesitated but he ensured me a great reward, the artifact was kept inside a special box, I have never seen it. Juan carved the symbol on the man’s chest while he was alive, and after chanting a few words he stabbed the man in the chest. Juan collected the man’s blood in a bowl and poured it on the artifact. The artifact started glowing red and Juan put his hand on it. The artifact somehow transferred power into Juan. Juan displayed his strength by lifting a piece of heavy t iron and throwing it away far away. We were all stunned by the power Juan had acquired. Juan then told all of us to worship this artifact, as it will provide us strength to rule this city and devastate our enemies. He started this cult and named it Adorades Del Diablo. In the following weeks many high-profile people, celebrities and political influencers were inducted in the cult. They were all promised power and great rewards in exchange for their services. This is all I know, Juan used to hang around the port, but hasn’t been seen from a few weeks. We don’t know where he is, please don’t kill me, I told you all I know. Maybe you should talk to Scorpion, he manages all the matters of the port.”

The scarecrow asked “Where can I find Scorpion?” Alejandro replied “Scorpion comes to the port on the weekend, the most important shipments come in the city every Saturday.” Alejandro asked in a low voice “Will you let me go now? I have told you all I knew.” The scarecrow unwrapped his hands around Alejandro’s body, then suddenly grabbed him by the neck and shoved its other hand inside Alejandro’s mouth “I said I might let you live, might. Don’t worry you will go straight into hell, then worship all you want there.” The scarecrow shoved hay into Alejandro’s throat suffocating him and ending his life.

Then it threw the lifeless body of Alejandro away. The scarecrow transformed back into Damon. Damon then broke all the alcohol bottles around him, flooding the floor with alcohol. He took out a lighter from the pocked of a dead thug, and while exiting the club, set it ablaze. The club caught fire instantly as the floor was flooded with alcohol. Damon noticed two figures looking at him atop a building. Before he could take a good look at them, they disappeared, leaving him to wonder who they were. He quickly fled the scene.
After moving away a few blocks from the scene, Damon heard sirens in the distance. The fire had attracted the police and fire brigade. Damon took a cab and returned home. After reaching his penthouse, Damon thought about what Alejandro had told him. He began to wonder what that artifact could be. He remembered Viktor, a power-hungry man who had changed his life forever. Damon didn’t want similar fate as his had become, to befall onto anyone else. He decided to stop Juan Rodriguez and his malicious intents. After that Damon went to sleep.

Damon’s nightmare wakes him up. It was noon, Damon got up, and freshen up. He had breakfast and decided to call Lena. He took out her card, dialed her number, just as he was about to call her, he thought what he was going to tell her, as the news of the club burning down would’ve reached her by now. He aborted calling her and decided not to talk to her. Damon wanted to investigate on his own, without endangering Lena’s life and exposing his true self to her. First, he wanted to visit the slums area. Damon took out his car and drove towards the slums area. He parked his car few blocks away from the slums area. Damon took a walk in the slums area, looking at people living miserably, enduring the harsh conditions of the streets.
A few people noticed him in the neighborhood, but they said nothing and continue noticing him. After visiting Damon left. He sat in his car and drove back to downtown. He parked his car in front of Alonso’s office. Damon took the elevator to Alonso’s office. As the door opened Damon saw a man in a suit, sitting in front of Alonso. Both men were talking about the excavation site Alonso’s company was working on. Alonso introduced Damon to the man in the suit, the man shacked hands with Damon and introduced himself “Hello Damon, how are you? My name is Arnold Travis, I am the mayor of this fine city.” Damon looked at the man with contempt and replied “It’s not fine, have you ever visited inside the slums area? Where people die every day with hunger, and criminals roam free?” Damon sat in front of the mayor, Alonso who was going through some paperwork left his work and wanted to interrupt Damon.

But before Alonso could interrupt Damon, Damon spoke again “Mr. Mayor, why criminals like Juan Rodriguez are not arrested? What kind of fine city is this, where criminals like him evade the law every time? Criminals like him have the judicial system in their back pocket, and even someone as high and mighty as you are, unable to apprehend him?”  Alonso interrupted Damon and said “I apologize on behalf of my friend Arnold, please forgive him, he is new in the city and don’t know its matters.”

Damon said furiously “Why are you apologizing? I just visited the slums area; I have seen the misery of the people there.” Before Alonso could reply, the mayor intervened and said “Son, you are new in this city, I was born inside the slums, I have clawed and fought my way to this position, don’t judge me. No one wants to change the slums more than I do, but the people there don’t want our help, they don’t want the judicial system to help them, they completely support the gangs that run their streets. Judicial system works according to rules and regulations, we cannot condemn someone without evidence. We need proof to bring criminals to justice, I have personally dedicated my life in reforming this city, the downtown district along with many other, are crime ridden and prosperous due to our reforms. We are planning for the slums area as well, but we need support of the people there. If you bring one, only one witness against Juan Rodriguez, I will personally see him judged according to his crimes.” The mayor was confident about his statement, Damon wondered has he misjudged the mayor. Damon apologized to the mayor, the mayor forgave him, the mayor knew Alonso, he was friends with him. Alonso was a well-known man in the city, his company had provided many resources in reforming the city. Alonso’s company had provided many jobs to the homeless people.

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