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Jian also accompanied Damon outside, both men were standing outside and thinking about who the leader of the cult could be. It was evening already and Damon remembered his meeting with Lena, he asked Jian to drop him at his home. When they were driving, Damon realized something, he should hand over the artifact to Jian, he asked Jian to drive to Alonso’s office. After reaching, Damon and Jian walked inside, they took the private elevator to the penthouse. Damon asked Jian to wait for him, Damon opened the vault and the artifact was gone. Damon thought about what Juan said, someone that knows about him, who else knew more about Damon and the Scarecrow other than Alonso. Damon was beyond furious, he was betrayed, he told Jian about everything, Jian was also in dismay. Suddenly Damon’s reaction changed, chills ran down his spine, he looked worried. Jian inquired about his uneasiness. Damon told Jian “Lena, she is with that bastard, I have to get to her. Jian, grab your gear and meet me outside the city, on the excavation site.” Damon and Jian left the building.

Damon, went to his home, he sat on his bike and sped away towards the excavation site. Lena was a bit confused as to why Alonso brought her to an excavation site, but her mind was too occupied with Damon. The excavation site was huge, and the digging was quite deep, special vehicle were used to travel in and out of the excavation. Alonso asked Lena to accompany him to enter the excavation site, he said we should check it out until Damon arrives. She agreed, they went inside the site. It was a big tunnel through which they travelled inside. They stopped after reaching an old, tomb like structure.

Lena was fascinated by the structure, she asked Alonso “What is this place? This looks quite old, what were you looking for down here anyway?” Alonso answered “This is not a tomb, it was a temple for worshipping, don’t know who or what did they worship, but this structure holds something which is important to me.” An evil grim appeared on his face as he took out the stone from inside his coat’s pocket. Lena at first, didn’t recognized the stone, but after a while she realized what was that. She quickly inquired “Why do have this? How did you get this?”

Alonso, with an evil smile answered “It was mine from the beginning, it called to me, it knew what I wanted, your beloved Damon is a fool, if I possessed the power he has, I would’ve been the king of the world.” Damon arrived at the excavation site, he got off his bike and searched here and there for Alonso and Lena. He saw Alonso’s car and knew they were here. Damon saw the huge tunnel down below. He jumped down and rushed inside the tunnel. Damon possessed superhuman strength so he could run faster than any human could. Lena was scared, she now had known Alonso’s intentions were evil. She tried to run away but Alonso grabbed her by the hair from behind and told her “You are my shield against Damon, he won’t be able to lay a finger on me until you are in my grasp, so sweety, don’t struggle and don’t act stupid.” Alonso pulled her by her hair and took her inside the old temple.

Damon arrived at the old temple, he saw and was surprised to see it. Damon shouted “Lena…where are you? Alonso, come out you bastard.” Alonso stood at the temple’s entrance and said “Welcome Damon, come inside, lets have a chat, and your beloved is inside.” Damon walked inside furiously, although he could end Alonso in a single strike, but Lena’s life was at risk, so he had no choice but to follow Alonso. There were statues inside the temple made out of stones and clay, many statues depicted figures from a different era. There was an alter at the center of the room. The alter had a box on it. Lena was tied up. She was lying near the alter, her mouth was taped so she couldn’t speak.

Damon saw her and felt relieved. He asked Alonso “Why Alonso, why are you doing this? Why did you kill all those innocent people? You were my friend Alonso, I considered you more than a friend, you were my brother.” Alonso answered “Damon, since the day I witnessed your power, I wanted it, I was obsessed with it. You are a fool, the strength you possess is limitless. You are an immortal, you could be the king of this world, but you chose to live in hiding, you are wasting your power, I saw the possibilities I could achieve if I had that power, but there was no hope for me, when I returned home after we parted ways all those years ago, I dedicated my life to find power similar to yours. First, I earned a lot of money, so I could use my resources to my advantage. After that I gained information about obtaining such power. I had no witch to cast spells for me, so I searched and searched and then I found this stone. The stone talked to me, it called me, it showed me how can I achieve such power. I searched for its key across the globe. I even forgot my wife was sick and neglected her just so I could find the key to this stone. Finally, I found it here, in this temple.”
“I orchestrated a plan; I organized the stone to be brought in the city through Juan. I wrote a letter to him explaining everything about you, Juan played his role very well. You see in order to find the key, I had to keep a low profile. I knew The Order of The Church was investigating the stone’s whereabouts, and if I directly carried the stone with me, they would eventually catch up to me, Juan was a necessary distraction. I maintained my image as a kind hearted and successful businessman, who used his influence and money to excavate this site.”
“Everything went according to my plan, Juan distracted the order and the police, and I began my search for the key, but there was a missing piece to the puzzle and that was you. You see, I require blood of a demon to unlock the stone, and my search ended when I met you again. You have a demon inside you, so your blood would do the trick. When you took the stone from Juan, I was scared that you would hand it over to the order, but imagine my surprise when you placed it inside my vault for safekeeping. I was thinking a way of how to obtain your blood, but you gave a way to me, you told me your feelings for this woman and provided me an opportunity to manipulate you. So, my friend, open the box for me and you can take this woman away. If you tried anything else, she will die here and now.”
Alonso pulled a gun on Lena’s head. Damon had no choice whatsoever and he unwillingly walked towards the alter. There was a knife next to the box, Damon grabbed it and before cutting his arm he said “Alonso, remember one thing, people who meddled with forces beyond their understanding often fail miserably, please reconsider it, you don’t know what you are unleashing.” Alonso replied “Just get on with it, I don’t want to prolong it anymore.” Damon sliced his hand, drops of blood poured on the box, the box opened. Alonso was excited, he asked Damon to take out the key. Damon opened the box and took out the key, the key’s shape was triangular which would fit perfectly at the center of the stone. Alonso asked Damon to step back. Damon had no choice but to obey. Alonso helped Lena up on her feet, and asked her to walk towards Damon. Lena had the look of shame in her eyes, as she walked towards Damon. Alonso placed the key inside the stone and twisted it unlocking the stone.

A whirl of red clouds formed on the sky, a large surge of energy running through them. Jian and Saya both arrived at the site, the pair noticed the strange clouds forming and knew something was not right and rushed inside the tunnel. There was a huge surge of energy that blasted through the stone hitting Alonso and throwing him away. Damon used this opportunity to get Lena away from there as far as possible. Damon picked her up and drove her out. They came across Jian and Saya, Damon asked Saya to take her to safety. Before Damon was returning to the temple, Lena said “I am sorry Damon, I should’ve trusted you, please don’t go inside, I love you and don’t want to lose you.”

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