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Damon was happy to hear it, but it was not the time for joy, Damon replied “I will come back to you, I promise. If I don’t stop it no one else will, I am Scarecrow Jack.” He returned transforming into scarecrow. The Demons were freed. A demon almost fifteen feet tall emerged, with a strange body structure. It had almost no flesh on its body, it felt like it was burned but yet the disfigured flesh remained intact. Its eyes were glowing red, teeth as sharp as knives, it held an axe, which was engulfed in flames. The demon had one horn on the left side of his skull. It roared loudly. The roar echoed through the tunnel and the ground trembled by it. The demon’s minions stood by it. They were tiny as compared to the demon itself. The demon stared the scarecrow who was standing in front of it. The demon said in demonic language “Traitor, you live, well, I Thorax will kill you now and please our lord.” The demon ordered its minions “Go and find what we were looking for, the human world has changed, it’s been a while. I will take care of the traitor; you must find the seals and destroy them.” Jian didn’t understand what the demon said. Damon understood what Thorax said, as Damon had a demon inside of him but he was wondering why Thorax referred to him as traitor.

Thorax attacked, swinging its axe at the scarecrow, the scarecrow barley dodged as the speed of Thorax was too fast. Jian unsheathed his swords, the scarecrow told Jian to follow the minions and don’t let them escape, but Thorax attacked Jian as well kicking him far away. Jian’s armor was damaged by the kick, he felt pain. He had never received such a devastating blow. Jian grunted in pain, he took out an injection and inject himself with painkiller. The scarecrow punched Thorax a couple of times but they did nothing to it, so the scarecrow decided to transform into its brute form.

Thorax punched the scarecrow while it was transforming. The punch had such an impact that the ground trembled as it landed on the scarecrow, the scarecrow was sent flying back with that punch. Jian was shocked to see the scarecrow flying backwards like a piece of paper. The strength of Thorax was greater than they anticipated, he wondered. The scarecrow was in disbelieve, as the punch landed on it. It was hurt, it felt pain like never before. If it wasn’t for its regeneration, the injury could have been fatal.

Thorax caught up with the scarecrow in a flash, it punched again, this time the scarecrow was able to block it with its hands, but the force of the punch still pushed it backwards. The scarecrow was transformed into its brute form. It retaliated with a punch, Thorax caught that punch with ease, this surprised the scarecrow. Thorax punched the scarecrow in its chest and the punch sent the scarecrow flying outside the tunnel. The scarecrow was feeling dizzy by that last punch. It was hurt, it grunted in pain. Thorax walked outside the tunnel, it laughed and taunted the scarecrow “I thought you would put up more of a fight, you have gotten weak.” The scarecrow didn’t understand what Thorax was talking about, it stood up again. The scarecrow recovered quickly, since its awakening, its healing factor was multiplied, that’s why it could resist fire damage too, it starts to form layers of armor from inside, protecting it from fatal damage.

Jian got up, the painkiller numbed his pain, he picked up his swords and rushed outside to fight. The scarecrow was furious, it advanced with strength and punched Thorax, Thorax dodged the first punch, but the scarecrow delivered a powerful blow which landed on Thorax’s chest, pushing it back. Thorax shrugged it off, and punched the scarecrow, the scarecrow blocked the punch with a punch of its own. Both demon’s fists clashed, their clash generated a shockwave which sent both back. Jian witnessed the strength of both Thorax and the scarecrow, he wondered to himself whether he should interfere or not, he thought and came up with a plan, he said to the scarecrow “Keep it busy, I am going to look for an opportunity to attack, and it’s going to be a lethal one.”

Saya sent Lena back to the city, she told her to inform the police about a major storm hitting the city and taking emergency measures and evacuate the streets completely, as the battle could possibly reach the city. Lena took Alonso’s Rolls Royce and stepped on the gas pedal speeding away. Saya noticed the minions of Thorax coming out of the tunnel, she chased the minions. Two of them attacked her. The minions had long nails which were sharp as knives and hard as rock, they had faces similar to goblins and little spikes on their head. They were almost five feet tall and had burnt flesh as well, they swing their nails attacking Saya, Saya flipped backwards dodging gracefully, her movement was swift. She was a slim girl which ultimately made her fast. In addition to her aesthetic figure, she wore a light armor which made her move easily in tight situations. She drew her swords out, the pair of light swords which suited her ability to attack with speed. Although the blades did less damage, but what lacked in power was covered up by speed. She advanced grabbing the blades in reverse grip, moving the blades behind her elbows allowing her for swift attacks on both minions, the minions dodged and blocked her attacks. They were also fast, as their smaller size allowed them to move fairly quick.

Lena drove to the police station, Detective Dexter saw her and immediately inquired about her messy condition. She wasted no time and informed the detective about a storm that was about to hit the city, and removing people from the streets should be their first priority. Detective Dexter did as she asked and radioed all the available units to move out and clear the streets. But deep down he felt there was more to the story that Lena was telling him.
The scarecrow punched again and again but Thorax wasn’t taking damage, Thorax’s body was skinny as compared to the scarecrow’s brute form, but it was stronger than it. Jian was still looking for an opening, he held his swords tightly and was watching the fight of the demons very closely. In a sudden moment the scarecrow grabbed Thorax’s left arm and wrapped it around by extending its arm. Thorax’s arm was locked, Thorax tried to punch the scarecrow with its right arm and the scarecrow caught it. The scarecrow shouted “Now!” Jian ran towards Thorax and jumped as high as he could and thrusted his swords in Thorax’s back, piercing its body.

Saya was struggling with the minions as well, she received many scratches by them, on her arms and legs. Her torso was protected by armor, which was also getting damaged. She took out a bottle of holy water and sprinkled it on the minions, the minions growled in pain, taking advantage of their distraction she advanced and sliced open their stomach. The minions screamed in pain, she then ran towards them hoping to end them, but the minions had an ace up their sleeves. They quickly dodged, rolled out of the way. They then stood up and grabbed each other’s hands. They chanted something in demonic language and their bodies started to join together. Within a couple of seconds, two minions became one. its height increased to eight feet, its body mass also doubled, its nails transformed into claws. It roared loudly and attacked Saya. Saya barley dodged the attack, before she could stable her footing the minion attacked her again, she tried to block the attack with her swords but was pushed backwards, this opened her to an attack and the minion slashed her armor with its razor-sharp claws. The attack pierced through her armor cutting her flesh, she fell to the ground in pain.

Thorax was stabbed with Jian’s swords, but it was still standing still, it became furious and with greater strength freed its right arm, and punched the scarecrow so hard in the face, the force of which torn the grip of scarecrow’s left arm and sent it flying backwards. Jian was in disbelieve, how could a weapon imbued with holy water didn’t affected Thorax. Thorax turned around and punched Jian in his ribs, Jian also went flying backwards, the attack broke his ribs and broke his armor. Thorax pulled out Jian’s swords. The swords did damage to Thorax, but it wasn’t enough to bring it down.

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