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Juan screamed and begged and cursed the scarecrow for not taking its life. The scarecrow returned to the room where the fighting had ended between thugs and Jian and Saya. The scarecrow grabbed the artifact’s box, when the scarecrow touched it, it had a vision of a mysterious darkness. Inside the darkness, two blazing red eyes stare at the scarecrow, the scarecrow’s vision ended. It took the box and stored it inside his body made of hay. Jian stopped the scarecrow. He said “I do not wish to fight you, but I demand that box, as it is evil and needs to be put away.” The scarecrow didn’t answer as it tried to walk past Jian. Jian unsheathed his swords and took a fighting position. The scarecrow also took a fighting stance, it extended its arm into a fat whip.

Saya went to rescue the people from the basement, as she opened the door, Lena ran outside, running to Damon. Saya tried to stop her but was interrupted by the crowd of people inside. The scarecrow overpowered Jian, a mortal cannot be a match for supernatural. Jian received a few hits by the scarecrow’s whip. He was about to attack again when the hall was filled by a loud scream. The fight was interrupted. It was Lena’s scream, she screamed in horror to see the scarecrow. At once the aggressive scarecrow became timid. It transformed back into Damon. Lena’s reaction exposed what she felt after witnessing Damon’s alter ego. She started crying and ran outside. The thugs outside were apprehended by the police, the police attacked from behind and pinned them down.

Lena came outside sobbing, detective Dexter embraced her and asked her if she was hurt. She nodded in a no, after that the police rushed inside and saw the dead bodies of thugs, moreover they saw the tied followers of Juan, and Juan himself. Alonso consoled Damon, he knew what Damon felt at the time, the pain and anger Damon felt inside. His eyes were sad, he clearly remembered Lena’s horrified expressions, the image of which was imprinted on Damon’s mind. Detective Dexter asked all the guests whether they were hurt or not, The Mayor was rushed to treatment, although he was fine.

The police had enough witnesses to attest to Juan’s crime, as well as his followers which helped him in his schemes. The police inquired about the identities of the saviors of the people. Moreover, they were confused, how Juan and his followers were tied down by ropes made out of straws of hay. Jian and Saya fled the scene before police and the rest of the hostages arrived, and Damon’s identity remained a secret as well, as no one except Lena saw him transforming back into human form. Jian and Saya’s disappearance from the scene left no witnesses of Damon’s transformation.

Everyone was glad to be alive except Damon. It was a big win for the police department, as they caught the most notorious criminal in the city, who had evaded justice before, because now all the influential people who were taken hostage were testifying against Juan including the mayor himself. Jian and Saya watched the whole scene in the distance. Saya asked Jian “What about the artifact? How are we going to get it back?” Jian answered “Forget about the artifact, Father ordered us not to engage in conflict with the scarecrow” Jian while grabbing his bruised arm by the scarecrow said “He is really strong, I felt it, he wasn’t even using his full strength yet, even against Juan. I felt a change in his heart tonight, he left Juan alive, which is a huge development in his personality, judging by the viciousness he inflicted upon his enemies in the past. Let’s hope he is strong enough to resist the thirst for blood.”

Then both fled the scene. Damon and everyone else also went home. After reaching home, Damon tried calling Lena several times, she rejected his call every time. Damon was angry, frustrated he began punching the floor. The floor cracked. Damon was furious, he transformed into the scarecrow, he stood in front of the mirror and asked the scarecrow to leave his body. The scarecrow remained silent. The scarecrow realized the artifact is still hidden inside its body. It took the artifact out and put it on the ground. Transforming back into Damon, he opened the box and held the stone in his hand. The stone showed a vision to Damon. The nightmare, Damon used to have every night, the stone showed it to Damon, this time the scarecrow held the stone in the vision, and not the flames.

• The vision ended and Damon put the stone back inside the box. He realized the stone is evil, and tries to manipulate the mind of its wielder. He needs to put the stone where no one could find it. Damon called Alonso, he asked to use Alonso’s vault in his office, Alonso agreed. Damon drove to his office; he took the elevator up and put the stone inside the vault. After that Damon asked Alonso to not tell a soul about the stone residing inside his vault. Damon wanted to get rid of the stone but in order to find a permanent secure location, he needed a few days. Damon thought Alonso’s vault was the most inconspicuous place to keep the stone for a few days. Damon came home and tried to fall asleep. In the morning Damon woke up, depressed, he couldn’t sleep all night. He was thinking about Lena and her expression all night. He got up, got dressed and went to see her. He called her again but her number was switched off. He went to her home. He knocked the door and her father answered the door “Yes? Who are you here to see?” Lena’s father asked. “Hello, I…I am Damon, here to see Lena, is she home?” Lena’s father worked at a jewelry store in downtown, he was a simple and an honest man and worked very hard to provide for his family. Like every parent he also wanted the best for his daughters. His name was Brandon Kim.
Brandon inquired about the nature of Lena and Damon’s relationship from Damon. Damon replied “She is my friend, please tell me if she is home?” Brandon asked Damon “Did you made my girl cry last night?” Damon answered “No…I…didn’t…” “Dad, let me talk to him, please can you give us a few minutes?” Lena interrupted, as she was coming outside. Her dad agreed and left the two to talk. Damon saw Lena’s sad eyes; he knew she had been crying. “I…Please…let me explain.” Damon stammered, as he didn’t know what to say. Lena interrupted already stammering Damon, and said “What can you explain? I trusted you, for the first time in my life I felt something for someone…” she paused for a second, “I can’t explain that monstrosity that I saw earlier, that face was haunting, the image of that has printed on my mind, please Damon go away, and leave me alone.” Lena started sobbing as she couldn’t control her emotions further.

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