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Damon tried to console her but she ran back inside. Heartbroken, Damon left her house. Damon drove to his home, Alonso called Damon, at first Damon didn’t answered, but Alonso called him a few times, finally Damon answered, “Hello, what do you want Alonso, I am not in the mood to talk right now.” Alonso felt the pain and sadness in Damon’s voice, he answered “I just wanted to inquire about how you were doing, and I wanted to ask about Lena too.”

Damon answered “It’s over Alonso, she saw what I truly am, she witnessed the monster, she is scared of me, she doesn’t even want to talk to me.” Alonso consoled Damon “Don’t worry about it, she is just confused, where does she lives, I’ll explain her tell me.” Damon gave Alonso the address and disconnected the call. As Damon stepped out of his car, he saw a familiar face standing in front of his building. It was Jian. Jian was dressed in normal jeans and t shirt; it was clear his intentions weren’t hostile. Damon walked to him and asked what he was doing here? Jian answered “Its very important you come with me now, our church’s priest wants to meet you, I need you to accompany me to the church.” Damon didn’t want to go anywhere at that time, as his mind was occupied with Lena’s situation.

Damon ignored Jian and walked inside his building, “You may find the answer you seek; you may find a way to redeem yourself in front of that girl.” Jian’s words stopped Damon, he went back to Jian and asked “How do you know about my situation?” Jian replied “That night, when you were fighting against me, I saw when that girl arrived at the scene, you immediately became timid, yours and her expressions told the whole story, she wasn’t aware of your…well secret, the girl was scared, and you were also shocked, your secret was exposed to her accidentally, this is the reason I know about your situation. Now please come with me.” Damon had to agree, as words of Jian had some spark of hope for Damon’s redemption. They both sat in Jian’s car, which was an SUV. Jian drove towards the church.

The church was located in the north side of the city, this area was mostly reserved for schools and educational institutes of the city, the church had been there for a long time. The church had a lot of land allotted in its name. The church itself was big, but the land around it was much bigger. The church was built a long time ago, no change in its design was made, it was restored to its original state. White building which looked like it was painted fresh, around the church, a beautifully trimmed garden could be seen. The church had an orphanage next to it. The land spread behind the church was kept closed to public. Damon and Jian arrived at the church. Jian walked straight inside, but Damon hesitated. Jian asked Damon what’s wrong. Damon replied “I don’t know if I can enter the church, as it is a holy place and I am a…” Jian laughed and said “You can come inside, you are part human, so it will be alright.” Damon walked inside with Jian. The church was beautifully restored, even Damon admired its beauty and architecture.

The Father was praying when the pair arrived. As Damon approached the Father he finished praying, he greeted Damon and introduced himself “Welcome, my son, my name is Father Alverez, the bishop and caretaker of this church and the orphanage. You must be Damon; I have been waiting to meet you for a while now, come let us talk somewhere else.” Father Alverez asked Damon to follow him. Father Alverez used the rear exit and walked through the land behind the church. Father Alverez walked towards a room in the distance, it was a small room on such a large area, which confused Damon. Father Alverez walked inside the room with Damon and Jian following.
Damon was surprised to see the room was empty, he looked strangely at the Father. Jian closed the door behind them, he then pressed a switch on the wall and suddenly the ground began to move downwards. The room was an elevator which was disguised to look as an ordinary room from the outside. The elevator stopped and Father Alverez walked towards a secured metal door. Father Alverez entered a security code on the panel, the door was secured with voice activation and retinal scanner. After all the necessary protocols were performed, the door opened.

The area looked like a factory, there were separate departments for weapons, equipment, a laboratory and many other things. Many people were working inside. Father Alverez walked towards another room, this room looked like a library, many bookshelves held many books, the library had two floors, one upstairs and one on the ground level. The library had an office table and chairs on the second floor upstairs. Father Alverez removed his robe and hanged it; he was wearing an all-white suit beneath. Father Alvarez invited Damon to sit across him. Father Alverez showed a picture of a cross insignia and said “I believe you are familiar with this insignia; it represents The Order of The Church.” The same Order of the Church Damon learnd about all those years ago in his hometown Greywood, the same order his beloved Marie and bartender John belonged to. Damon said “Yes, I know about the order, but I am surprised to hear this name after so many years later.” Father Alverez said “You may have heard about the order many years later, but the order has been keeping tabs on you, the order never stopped observing you.”
Damon was intrigued, as, he never before came across any member of the order till now. Father Alverez explained “Damon, your existence has never threatened humanity, your actions were violent, and you showcased the power within you on many occasions, but only when events lead to it, you kept a low profile yourself, migrating from one place to another after every couple of years to keep your identity a secret. You didn’t used your powers for malicious intents, you didn’t played God, this is the reason the order never engaged in conflict with you, only keeping an eye on you from a far.” Damon asked Father Alverez “What is this place?” Father Alverez replied “This is one of the many hidden secret bases of operations of the order, the order has bases all over the world like this. We strife to protect humanity from supernatural threats and forces that are beyond their understanding.”

Father Alverez continued “There are beings such as yourself, beings who possess abilities which are beyond understanding, urban legends such as vampires, werewolves, demons and etc. These beings exist and we fight, kill and sometimes contain such creatures, we fight our wars in shadows to protect such information coming into light. This room contains information about such beings, here are books containing information about such beings, journals of our knights who observed and fought such beings. I read about you from one of the journals written by John located in another base, since then your activities, behavior and whereabouts were recorded in such journals. Which led us to believe that you are not a threat to humanity.” Jian said “Here, we develop weapons, armor and other equipment based on our knight’s research, we develop serums to provide us with strength to match supernatural beings and other serums and tranquilizers to help us in battle.”

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