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Damon came out of the office and saw almost fifty men holding automatic guns pointed at him. He wasn’t scared as, he walked down the stairs. Among those men, he saw one man sitting on a chair and smoking a cigar. The man whom he saw questioning the fake Scorpion a while ago. The man was middle aged, had an average built, he had short hair and was wearing a suit. The man was clean shaved, the top three buttons on his shirt were opened which revealed part of a Scorpion tattoo on his chest. Damon said “So, you are Scorpion. I am impressed, I clearly thought I had you.”

Scorpion replied “Thank you, I guess I am flattered. But tell me something? How did you sneak inside the office? Even the CCTV system couldn’t catch you. I guess I am impressed as well.” Scorpion stood up from his chair, he smoked his cigar and said “You must be the one who burned down the club and killed Alejandro, where are the rest of your accomplices? And which gang hired you to kill us?” Scorpion asked Damon. Damon replied “No gang sent me to kill you, I don’t have any accomplices, and yes I killed Alejandro, I enjoyed as he gasped for air, desperate to breath, his body shaking as he couldn’t breathe, he begged me to spare his life, just as you are going to beg me as well. Oh, after that I burned your club to the ground.”

The Scorpion became furious, the men around him became furious as well, Scorpion sarcastically said “Oh, well let’s see me begging for my life, shall we?” Scorpion signaled his men to open fire. The warehouse was surrounded with the sound of bullets firing, the guns stopped when their clips were emptied. The floor was filled with bullet casings that discharged out of the guns. The ambient was silent after that. Damon was still standing still, the bullets pierced through his body, blood dripping from them. His face bowed down, Scorpion laughed as, he turned around and started walking towards his car. Suddenly he heard screams of pain, he turned around and froze in horror at what he was witnessing.
The lifeless body of the man who was shot multiple times transformed into something he had never seen before. The creature transformed into a huge brute, made out of hay. The creature was punching and tearing his men apart, their bodies were being tore in half as they were breathing. Many men started reloading their guns, they opened fire at the creature, but all lead to failure, as the creature was immune to damage and continued rampaging through them. Scorpion came to his senses as one of his men grabbed him from behind and asked him to run towards the car. Scorpion ran with the man to his car. He asked the man to wait and opened the trunk of the car. He took out a rocket launcher out of the car, he aimed at the brute and fired the rocket.

The rocket exploded on impact setting a blaze to the warehouse and everything inside it, the roof collapsed onto the burning warehouse. Scorpion breathed a sigh of relief, the scared man asked “What the fucking hell was that creature? Boss have you seen anything like that before?” Scorpion replied “I don’t have a fucking clue who it was, I am just glad it is dead now. Let’s leave here.” The men sat inside the car and when they tried to drive off the car wouldn’t move. The man throttled the car completely, the engine roared but the car wouldn’t move. The men were confused what was going on. The driver looked back in the mirror and was frightened, he saw the creature held the car from behind, Scorpion asked him what was the matter and the guy couldn’t even speak. Suddenly the car flipped over onto its roof. The men toppled inside the car, the door of the car ripped open by something and a large hand grabbed Scorpion and pulled him out. Scorpion couldn’t believe his eyes, it was the same creature he had killed earlier, how can it be still alive.

The scarecrow kicked away the car, the car slide and fell inside the water. Scorpion was scared to see the strength of the scarecrow. The scarecrow transformed back into Damon. Damon punched Scorpion a few times on his face and other places on his body, he then broke Scorpion’s leg. Scorpion screamed in pain, unable to stand, unable to walk, Scorpion begged Damon to spare his life. Damon laughed and said “I told you, you would beg me, now look at you, broken, on the brink of death begging for your pathetic life, this could all have been avoided if you just told me what I wanted to know.”

Scorpion said “How did you survive that? I…can’t believe it.” Damon replied “You thought killing me was that easy?” Scorpion said “Yes, you are right, please let me live, I will tell you everything I know. You want to find Juan, I don’t know where he is, his whereabouts are unknown, but every once in a while, he invites us and his cult members to a secret location. There we all worship the artifact, Juan claims the artifact is from Hell and it gives us power and will fulfil our every desire, if we keep worshipping it and sacrificing in its wake. The last meeting was in the forest, where we sacrificed a man, and Juan poured the blood on the artifact, it glowed and Juan put his hand on it and hold hands with the rest of us forming a chain. We all felt a surge of energy and power within us. We all celebrated our power granted by the artifact. Juan keeps the artifact near him, he never has let anyone besides himself near it.” Scorpion while taking a card out of his pocket, he gave Damon the card “This is how we get an invitation, behind the card is the location of the meeting.” Scorpion said.

The card had an inverted pentagram drawn on it, and the location written by handwriting behind it. After hearing all of Scorpion’s information Damon was still confused and angry, after all he went through all the fighting for nothing. Scorpion begged for his life and Damon irritated by his pleading broke his neck, killing him. After a while Damon heard police sirens approaching in the distance, he fled the scene. When he got back to his bike he saw yet again, the mysterious figures in the distance. He ran towards them. The mysterious figures were fast and the distance between them and Damon was too great to catch up with. When Damon came to their location, they were nowhere to be seen. Agitated enough by his futile efforts Damon went away. He started his bike and accelerated away towards his home.

Damon was angry and confused, he had no more leads to find Juan.
On the port the police investigated the explosion and the massacre of Scorpion and his gang, Detective Dexter who was working on the case, was left scratching his head, he had no clue who could’ve done this without leaving a trace, earlier this week the club and now the port as well. He knew someone was targeting Los Desalmados gang, but which gang could it be, he didn’t know. He found some straws of hay on the ground which made it all the more confusing. The constant pressure from his seniors also pressured him to solve this mystery as soon as possible. He called Lena asking for her help on the matter, she told the detective about a young man named Damon whom she shared this information with. But she also informed the detective about Damon not being able to visit the club, as it burned down due to an accident before Damon could visit it. The detective thought about it and wanted to meet Damon, he asked Lena to arrange a meeting with Damon.

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