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Lena stood up and was leaving, as she was walking away Damon’s words stopped her. “I am sorry, I didn’t realize what you were going through, before leaving can you tell me, where Los Desalmado hangs out?” Lena turned towards Damon and answered “Don’t be an idiot, you are new here, you don’t have to get involved in all this.” But Damon was very persuasive. “Fine! They have a club just south of the city called Hell Pit, but only certain people can have access in it, here, take my card call me if you find anything, please don’t be a hero and get yourself killed, these guys are dangerous, they carry their signature butterfly knives and other dangerous weapons. I am only giving you their address, maybe you can gain access into their club as you are new in the city, take care.” Said Lena and left. Damon sat down in the park, he gave a lot of thought about it and decided to visit the club late in the night.

Damon walked back to his penthouse, he had dinner and changed his clothes. Around midnight he walked out of his building, he took a taxi to the club. After getting off the taxi, Damon walked to the club. At the entrance, he saw a bouncer. The bouncer was six feet tall and had big muscles and an intimidating look. He stopped Damon and demanded a special pass into the club. Damon didn’t have the pass; he told the bouncer he was a tourist and came to visit only. He bribed the bouncer and gained access into the club.

The club was normal like any other club is, loud music, people dancing, dim lighting. Damon head to the bar and ordered a beer. The bartender along with many other locals noticed Damon. Damon was served beer and he, while drinking it looked here and there. A man with Mexican accent came to Damon and asked “Never seen you before here ese? You lost?” Damon told him he was a tourist and after persuasion gained access here. The man didn’t take this kindly and replied “So, you think your money can gain access to you anywhere, well too bad ese, you are going to be beaten tonight, this will teach you not to show off your money in the wrong part of town ese.” The man pulled out his butterfly knife and put it on Damon’s throat. Damon acted scared and said “Please don’t kill me. I was just visiting and wanted to have a good time, some locals pointed me towards this club and told me this was a good place to have a good time.”
The man put away his knife and patted Damon’s back and laughed “Just kidding ese, you want to have fun, come with me.”
The man took Damon upstairs to a private room. He ordered a bottle of whiskey and poured two glasses, then he drank with Damon. He offered Damon some drugs, which Damon bought hoping to gain trust of the man. Then the man took off his jacket, he was wearing a vest underneath which revealed the inverted pentagram tattoo on his arms. Damon asked the man what is that tattoo. The man who was laughing before became silent and serious at once.

“Never ask a person about his tattoo ese, I don’t trust you enough to share the meaning of this tattoo, you want anything else, I can arrange for you, but not this ese.” Damon understood. The both men drank together. After the bottle finished, Damon stood up and asked about the restroom, the man pointed him towards it. Damon came out of the room and went towards the restroom. Damon noticed the club was empty and was being closed, he thought why would they shut down the club.

When he went back into the private room, he didn’t find his companion in it. He came downstairs and saw his companion and other men, along with the bouncer waiting for him. “Ese, it’s been fun knowing you, but you know what, we don’t appreciate tourists, so ese good bye.”
The man ordered a thug and he walked towards Damon, knife in hand the man had murderous intent. Damon said “Guys, we don’t have to do this, you all don’t want this fight.”
The men started laughing sarcastically, the thug who accompanied Damon, his name was Alejandro. Alejandro said “Oh… I am scared ese, what are you going to do? Beat us to death, ha! Kill him already.”

The man with the knife approached Damon and thrusted his knife aiming at Damon’s heart. Damon dodged the attack and moved left, after dodging he grabbed the man’s wrist and twisted it with such force, shattering his arm bone and disarming his knife.
Damon then quickly grabbed the falling knife and with swift moments stabbed the guy many times in his chest, puncturing it and killing him.

All around the laughter turned into silence, as no one expected Damon to be this vicious. Damon had travelled across many countries; he had learned many fighting styles and trained his body to handle any kind of physical endurance. Combining with his superhuman strength, Damon became an excellent fighter and a force to be reckoned with. Although he never wanted to fight, but due to suspicion around him and the distance he kept from everyone, few thought him to be powerless and tried their luck to intimidate him. Those few met with broken bones and fractured skulls. Damon’s body was ripped, he was once a skinny guy but his expeditions and his training hardened his body, it was similar to an athlete, his muscles were strong and in shape.

Alejandro ordered all the men to attack at once. Two men approached Damon from both sides, the men swing them knifes hoping to cut Damon, but Damon’s movements were fast and he dodged them, he then stabbed a guy in the arm, and kicked the other one on his chest, sending him flying backwards. Damon then sliced open the man’s arm, filling the floor with blood and the room with fear. The men were intimidated by this, the man whose arm was sliced open cried in pain, he fell down on his knees. Damon while looking at Alejandro broke the man’s neck ending his life.

More men charged at Damon, Damon while dodging and blocking their attacks, punched and kicked and stabbed them, injuring them and killing some in the process. Soon the room was filled with dead bodies of Alejandro’s thugs, the only two men remained were the bouncer and Alejandro himself. Damon slowly walked towards Alejandro, his hands were bloody, blood of his enemies dripped on the floor, announcing his viciousness with every step.

In a desperate attempt to survive, the bouncer took out a gun from behind his back, he pointed the gun at Damon to scare him “I will shoot you! Stop right there!” The bouncer said with a trembling voice. Damon didn’t stop, the bouncer shot Damon many times, the bullets all pierced through Damon’s chest. Alejandro smiled, he thought Damon will die now, but Damon stood still, not falling on the ground. The bouncer already emptied his clip, he had no more bullets left. Both men were in disbelieve. Damon’s body started healing instantly, he stopped a few feet away from the men and said “Let the main event begin…ese.”

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