part 1 - new ally?

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   ....completely unaware that this was only the beginning of a long nightmare...


             science kingdom / 3rd pov

accelerator laid down on top of one of the wind turbines which stood tall in the science kingdom, a cup of coffee sat next to him.

he enjoyed the tall view and the fresh air sitting here provided and would occasionally find time to come clear his head by sitting here.

its been around one week already since they managed to form a new contract with the dragonic kingdom, one which states they have no obligation to join another kingdom's war, while also maintaining friendly relations.  and on that day one week ago when they came back...

accelerator puts his hand on his face.

although its already been around a week since that strange dream, he could still vaguely remember it. his memories of it was jumbled up, like knowing the name of a person but not being able to remember their face.

"tch, how annoying."

saying that, he jumped down the several hundred meters and manipulated the wind vectors to halt his momentum, thus landing safely.

he decided to stop thinking about it for now, and with his hands in his pockets, he walked around the kingdom, hoping to clear his head. he walked around for a bit before finding himself at the entrance of the main blacksmith shop.

the science kingdom would make weapons in order to sell or trade with the slane theocracy or draconic kingdom. despite the latter being  kingdom of dragons, humans also inhabited the kingdom. even its ruler, draudillon oriculus  , is a half human and the great-grand daughter of the brightness dragon lord.

seeing the shop, he decided to enter.

the interior was what you would expect of a normal blacksmith shop. gears and prototype weapons everywhere, as well as different parts that littered the place.

"ah, accelerator-sama, what brings you by?"

the dwarf blacksmith that runs the shop greeted accelerator as he stops what he was doing.

" just walking around, how are the productions going...?" the esper says while looking around.

"well you know how things are...going a bit slow until we can complete the objective you handed to us." the dwarf answered while wiping sweat off his forehead.

this wasnt news to accelerator.

around 4 months after the completion of the science kingdom, accelerator had instructed the dwarves to build a certain magic item he had been thinking of. he had been thinking of ways he could take advantage of the magic found in this world, and after investigating he came up with a way which will best work for someone like him who couldnt use magic.

although, it may sound like such a simple objective, simply building an item. but the truth was that it was actually really complex, to the point where all the major blacksmiths and craftsmen of the dwarf kingdom were the ones working on this project, thus slowing down production for anything else.

the item's production was taking place in the dwarf kingdom, even though it has now merged with the academy city of the azerlisia mountain, it was still called its own kingdom due to its major fortresses still standing.

as for what the actual item is.....well, we'll just leave that for another time.


accelerator walked around the shop, eyeing the weapons and tools that were made, while the blacksmith only stood still nervously, not knowing what to do.

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