Friendly welcome ♥ | ✨

393 7 0

Dec 24th, 2020

A/N: I did this for Christmas and the gays -Danny

Words: 697

Request: Annabeth x female reader where she goes to the readers home state of nh and meets all of her friends and they're all goofballs and kinda crazy and annie is shook but it's cute X

"Gods, I'm so cold!" Y/N shivered, walking out of the cab.

"I told you to put on a warmer jacket!" Annabeth said worryingly, pulling her suitcase out of the car. "Help me with the bags and I promise to make you hot cocoa once we're home, okay?"

Both girls grabbed her bags and thanked the driver, as soon as he left, they huddled closer together and walked over to Y/N's house.

"Okay so first you changed into something warmer–"

"Once inside the house I won't be as cold, don't be silly..."

"I don't want you to get sick, because if you get sick then I'll have to be left alone with your family and you know I can be a bit awkward sometimes–"

"I promise I'll be fine, it's not like I'm swimming in the snow, am I–?"

As soon as Y/N said it, a massive snowball hit her side.

"Ouch!" She turned around. "What the hell was that?"

"My bad!" Said a girl, stepping out of some bushes. "Oh, Y/N! You're back! That's awesome– HEY EVERYONE, STOP IT Y/N'S HERE!"

Annabeth looked around in shock as at least ten people walked out of their hiding spots, all of them covered in thick layers of clothing.

"You must be Y/N's girl, right?" The same girl from a moment before asking her, reaching to shake her hands. "Y/N has told us lots about you. Sorry for the rough welcoming, but you're standing in the middle of our battlefield, you see..."

"What?" Annabeth looked around, Y/N laughed.

"Oh yeah, every year we make this snowball fight but we hide so no one can see where we are and it's harder to take others down this way."

"How do you win?"

"If you manage to take down the others without being seeing, of course," A boy said, coming to a stop next to Y/N. "So, are you going to introduce us, Y/N?"

The girl started to introduce every member of the group to Annabeth and she did her best to keep track, once done they helped them carry their bags until they reached Y/N's house.

"So you guys want to join us? We're eating pizza downtown, Cassie is taking us in her truck and all"

"Oh, uh," Y/N looked at Annabeth with questioning eyes.

"I... er, sure," Annabeth replied anxiously. "If you're okay with me tagging along..."

"Are you kidding? We'd love to get to meet you!" Said a girl with curly black hair. "being Y/N's girlfriend must be a handful, we want the tea."

"The tea?" Annabeth asked.

"You know, spill the beans on her awkward moments?" said a boy.

"Funny stories?" added another person.

"Embarrassing stuff?" ended Cassie.

"Oh," Annabeth said with a little amused frown. "I guess I could tell you about the archery lesson that went wrong last week–"

"Don't you dare!" Y/N blushed furiously.

The rest of the group spoke up and tried to complain, but Y/N hushed them.

"Okay, okay! I'm tired right now, let me go get changed into warmer clothes and let Annabeth breathe for a moment, alright?" She grabbed Annabeth's hand and pulled her into the house. "See you guys in a few minutes!"

The group talked all at once and waved goodbye as they ran back outside, going to their original hiding spots and continuing their game.

"Wow," said Annabeth, looking at the scene from a window. "Your friends have a lot of energy at ten in the morning."

"I'm pretty sure they're high or something..." Y/N joked. "Don't let them fool you, they're crazy."

"They're kind of cool," Annabeth smiled. "They had to be, if they've been your best friends for years."

"That's sweet," Y/N scrunched up her nose. "You know, you can go outside and play with them while I get ready..."

Annabeth cupped her cheeks and placed a sweet kiss on her lips, smiling down at her.

"I think I rather stay here with you. But I meant it about going to get pizza with them, if you want us to?"

"There's nothing else I'd rather do," Y/N replied.

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