Dating Annabeth Chase Would Include ღ |✨

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May 21st, 2017

Waking up at the ass crack of dawn
Like why
Always pulling her away from Daedalus' laptop
"Touch me and I'll kill you."
Slowly backing away from her and never pulling her away again
Watching horror movies with her and the only one she actually likes is called 'Hush'
"Finally! Someone who isn't a jackass."
"Calm down, Olive breath."
Finding her asleep on the keys of her laptop
It's cute bc she talks in her sleep
She often mumbles out orders
Sometimes she says your name
But she says it so softly, filled with love.
You'd cover her up
When she wakes up she's got keyboard imprints on her face
She ends up walking to the dining pavilion with the blanket wrapped around her shoulders.
She knows you covered her up even though you won't admit it
Going back to her cabin to work Tearing the room apart looking for the laptop Realizing that you took her laptop
Marching to your cabin to kick your ass
But you trap her with cuddles
She's still pissed, but contained.
She tries to use her authoritative voice on you but it doesn't work
But she's so tired
And being cuddled feels so nice
So she falls asleep
Cuddled up and mumblingAlso droolingLots of drooling.


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