Chapter 10

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*Y/N pov

"Hey Y/N, are you ready to meet them?" Jia noona asked me, right now we're walking to this room where i'll meet with the peoples that i'll spend everyday of my life with.

"I'm not sure jia noona, i think i'm a little bit nervous now, i'm afraid i'll do a bad job, this is my first time afterall" i said to her. It's the truth though i feel so nervous that i can feel my heartbeat clearly, it's even more nerve-wracking than that time for the test of getting into the academy.

"Hahaha don't worry Y/N, that's why i'm here to help you as a manager for your first ever group" jia noona said to me.

Wait wait what? A manager? You guys must be confused right, let's rewind a little bit to know what happen


"Welcome Y/N-ssi, please have a seat" Taemin welcomed me. Right now i'm in the building of pledis entertainment to discuss about the offer taemin give to me before "Let me introduce him, he's han sung soo the ceo of pledis entertainment" he introduced a man in suit that from the first look immediately give this kind of ceo vibes.

"Nice to meet you sir, i'm Son Y/N" i greeted him with a bow.

"I've heard about you before from Taemin Y/N-ssi, and as he said you are really handshome"

"A-ahhh thank you so much sir"

"So let's jump straight to the point Y/N, i believe you're here to accept being a trainee under pledis entertainment right?" He asked me, i already now that he gonna asked that, but that's not why i coming here for.

"To be honest i'm not sir" i answered him, which make him and Taemin widened their eyes shocked by my answer.

"Then why are you here?" He asked me.

"Ummm..... I want to apply to become the manager of izone"

"Manager? Are you sure Y/N-ssi"

"Yes sir, it will mean a lot if you accept me as their manager, i'll make sure to become a good manager for them so please accept me" He then start to think for awhile while asking Taemin for opinion, i just stand there waiting for him to give the answer while silent pray so he'll accept me.

"Well the truth is we're not the one who will manage that, we only manage their song, there are another company who responsible for that Y/N" i feel so sad and disappointed, my first plan to get close to her just failed and i don't know how to get close to her other than that method, my hope slightly go away until he suddenly starts talking again "but if you want to, i can try asking them about it, do you want me to do that?"

"Yes sir please" i answered him without any hesitation.

"Alright alright wait here ok" he said to me before he go out of his room, i can only pray inside my heart that they'll accept me. Not long after he already come back inside and immediately sit back on his chair "Ok they accept you as their manager" i'm so happy upon hearing that from him, because that makes my plan a little bit easier to do "but you have to follow some rules Y/N" he then start to tell me the rules i need to follow, and some of them is i can't date them, which i already expected.

"I'll follow all of that sir" i said to him after i heard every rules he told me.

"Good then congratulations you are accepted to become their manager, you'll get help by another manager so you can familiarise with the life of being manager quickly. Her name is Lee Jia she's also their manager, so the two of you will work together"

"Yes sir"

"Oh and i'll make you live on the unit next to them, because Jia already married and have family. Is that ok with you?" Of course i'll accept that offers from him, it'll make it easier for me to protect her if i live close to her.

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