Chapter 26

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"T-that was a very interesting dream G-granny"

Y/N was taken aback after he listened to her story. He knows that it might be just a random dream of her. But the dream is so identical to his past experiences with the princess.

The discomfort look on his face didn't go unnoticed by the Grandma. She noticed how Y/N immediately looks grim after she told her dream.

"Hey Y/N is there something wrong?"

"N-no I'm fine haha don't worry Granny" Y/N denied. But she knows that what he said is the contrary of what he truly feels. She actually wants to ask him more when she saw a sudden movement from her granddaughter who was sleeping before.

"Grandma good evening" Hyewon greeted while rubbing her eyes. After a few moments of regaining her full souls back she then go towards her Grandma's side "how are you feeling Grandma?"

"I'm alright Hyewon-ah. Thanks to Y/N who takes care of me when you were asleep"

"Thank you oppa"

"You're welcome. Since you already woke up Hyewon. I'll excuse myself for a minute. I need to go outside" Y/N said while getting up from his seat.

"You should've woke me up oppa. You don't need to wait until I woke up you know"

"Mian" Y/N simply apologize to her, before he leaves the room. Hyewon just like how she always been, she easily notice that something is not right with Y/N just from the way he behave earlier.

"Grandma did something happen?"

"Maybe. I don't really know too Hyewon-ah. I'll just tell you what happen earlier"

Hyewon's Grandma then starts to retelling her the dream to Hyewon and how Y/N react to it.

"That's weird. There's nothing wrong with the dream, why did he reacts that way?"

"I don't know too. I actually pretty worried about him Hyewon. Can you check him for me?"

"What about you? Who will take care of you? You don't have to worry Grandma, I'm sure oppa is ok Granny. Now that I think about it, sometimes he acted like that when he has a lot of things on his mind. And he's extremely sensitive, anything can be a trigger to him to act weird. But he'll be fine in just hours"

"No it doesn't look like that Hyewon-ah. Something really troubling him. I can feel it"

"But I can't leave you alone Grandma. Someone needs to be here and stay with you to monitor your condition" Grandma is working her brain to it's maximum, to think of how to make Hyewon goes to Y/N.

Lucky she is, not long after the door of her room slides open and her then Hyewon's mother and father enters the room.

"Mom I'm sorry it took a long time for us to comeback. I bring some fruits for us" hyewon's mom apologize while putting down a bucket full of fruits on the table before she sit beside Grandma.

"You came at the right time. Hyewon-ah now that your mom and dad are here, go to him now Hyewon"

"Okok fine" Hyewon proceed to leave the room as her Grandma wanted. She then starts searching for Y/N, luckily it doesn't hard for her to find him, since he just sit all by himself on the guest waiting room.

"Y/N oppa" Hyewon called him, which immediately got his attention.

"Hyewon? What are you doing here? Did something happen to Granny?"

"No oppa. She's alright"

"Really? Then why are you here? Who's with her? Let's go back now Hyewon"

"It's alright oppa Appa and Eomma are back. Grandma is with them"

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