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"What the fuck are you doing?" I hear a loud voice behind me. I close my eyes nervously and slowly turn around to see Jaehyun standing over the pool.

"We were just talking dude, chill." I turn back to see the annoyed look on Chan's face.

"Don't talk to my girlfriend you asshole." Jaehyun rolls his eyes and starts pulling me up by my arm. "Come on, we're leaving."

"Don't grab her like that." Chan jumps out of the pool quickly to shove Jaehyun off me but Jaehyun pushed him back. A few people started watching them, expecting a fight. I seen Jaehyun prepare to throw a punch but I stopped him.

"Babe, let's just go." He only glances at me and rolls his eyes before completely ignoring me and swinging at Chan. Chan dodges the punch and just pushes Jaehyun back. I climb out of the pool as fast as I could to try to stop the fight. A lot of people were watching at this point and I just wanted to go home. I seen Jihyo on the side coming in my direction. Chan backed up a bit, giving me a chance to get between them. "Jae, stop please." He pushed me out of the way making me fall to the floor. Jihyo came running to me immediately.

"Seyeon are you okay?" Chan shoved Jaehyun back on to the floor and then came to my side.

"I just wanna go home." I could feel my eyes start to water. I looked at my arm and leg that now had small scrapes from hitting the concrete. Jaehyun stood and started pulling my arm up.

"Let's go already. Hurry or I'm leaving you." Jihyo was pissed. She stood and pushed him back slightly.

"You can go. I'll take her home." Jihyo tells him before bringing her focus back to me. Chan helped me up and I didn't even want to look at Jaehyun. I already knew he left. I was trying to not act like a baby over falling. It hurt but I didn't want to show that.

I hated that I got pushed into the pool infront of everyone. I hated that my boyfriend was mad at me. I hated that I had to be saved from my boyfriend by some guy I barely met. Most of all, I hated being pushed to the floor by my own boyfriend infront of a whole crowd.

"My ankle hurts." I whisper to Jihyo, not meaning for Chan to hear it, but he did. He put my arm over his shoulders and pulled me closer by my waist. He crouched down a bit to make it easier for me to lean on him.

"Can you walk?" He looked worried about me. I had no idea why. I just nodded. "We're gonna go upstairs and help you clean up, k?" I just nodded again. We passed a few people while I limped inside the house. He stopped at one guy and whispered something to him then kept walking with me. He was really slow and making sure I didn't get hurt anymore. He was even more careful going up the steps. Jihyo was just trailing behind us not really having anything to help with. I noticed a few people started leaving but by then we were already at the top of the staircase. Jihyo went infront of us to open the door to a bedroom. Chan slowly walked with me into the room. When we got to the bed I sat down immediately.

"Are you okay?" Jihyo sat beside me. I leaned my head on her shoulder. Chan lifted my arm carefully and started cleaning off the blood.

"I'm just tired." She put her hand on my back and rubbed my back a bit.

"I know." She nodded while comforting me. I lifted my head slowly  and turned to Chan.

"Can you move your ankle?" I moved my foot around a bit and nodded.

"Just hurts a bit." He got on his knees and lifted my leg a bit by my calf. He looked up at me which made me nervous. I blushed a bit and looked the side. It felt a bit awkward. He was still shirtless and I was just in a bikini.

"Are you cold?" He asks me, still holding onto my leg.

"Yeah. A bit."

"I'll be back." He stands up and leaves the room. Jihyo took over on cleaning off the blood. I felt stupid now, like why couldn't I have done it myself?

"Thanks, Jihyo." She just looked up at me and smiled without saying anything back. The door opened again, revealing Chan with a bag in hand.

"I brought some extra clothes, you can take them." He puts the bag on the bed beside me and pulls out a hoodie and some sweats. "They might be a bit big on you but you'll be warm."

"You're all cleaned up. Will you be able to walk on your own?"

"Yeah of course." I stand up slowly and try to stand on my foot but stumble a bit. Chan quickly caught me. "Thanks."

"You can hold on to me." I put my arm over his shoulder to help me get to the bathroom. I honestly felt a bit embarrassed. The bathroom was really only a few steps away. He opened the bathroom door and helped me to the counter so that I had something to lean on. "Got it?" I just nodded and he started walking out. "Call me when you need me, alright?" He closes the door behind him. I quickly take off my wet bikini top and bottoms. I slip on the warm hoodie and feel so much better. I try to hop up on the counter so I can easily put the sweats on but stumble a bit causing the soap to fall off the counter making a pretty loud sound.

"What happened?" -Jihyo

"You okay?" -Chan. They asked in sync.

"I'm fine." I get up there and put the sweats on. I felt warmer now. I looked in the mirror. I looked a mess. My hair was all crazy and my makeup was running a bit. I sighed to myself. I was about to jump down from the counter but I got a little scared.  "Chan?" I reach for the door knob and open it. He comes in with his eyes closed.

"You're dressed?"

"Yeah." He slowly opened his eyes and seen me on the counter. He reaches his arms out and helped me get down.

"You ready to go home?" Jihyo asks me. She was already holding my shoes and her car keys.


Chan helped me to the car and I thanked him. He told me not to worry about returning the clothes and to get home safely. He shut the door and I sigh.

"It's okay. You'll be home soon." Jihyo assures me before turning on the radio. "Just relax." I sit back and close my eyes.

"Seyeon?" Jihyo tapped my shoulder.

"Hmm?" I opened my eyes slowly. I seen where we were.

"You need help getting to your apartment?" I shake my head, no.

"It's fine.  I'll be fine. Thank you." I grab my stuff, open the car door and limp to my front door. Jihyo stays until I open the front door. I look back and wave quickly before going in. She waves and starts pulling out of her parking space. I close the door behind me trying to be quiet, in case Jaehyun was sleeping. I jumped when I heard him behind me.

"What are you wearing?"

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