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I sat in the living room with Jaehyun on the sofa, all cuddled up into his side with his arm around me and a big blanket covering both us. The past few days have been good. Basically no arguments. He had just gotten home from work a couple hours ago and asked to watch a movie, which got me super excited. We settled on a sci-fi movie. I personally don't really enjoy sci-fi, it bores me to death. I prefer gorey horror films or comedy movies. However, I was happy to be with him.

"I'm gonna get a drink, okay?" He nodded and removed his arm. I walked to the kitchen and was grabbing a glass from the cabinet when I heard Jaehyuns phone ding. "Jae you got a-"

I seen the screen. The message read,
'You're coming over tomorrow, right?'

I quickly back away from his phone as I seen him entering the kitchen.

"What happened?" Jaehyun asked as he picked up his phone.

"Your phone went off." I fake a smile and quickly turn and open the fridge looking for something to drink. "You hungry?" I turn around to face him again, he looked suspicious.

"I'm visiting my mom tomorrow, you wanna come?" I sighed in relief.

"Yes, of course." He still looked suspicious but nodded. "what time?"

"After I'm out of work. What time you get off tomorrow?" The suspicious look was now gone. I felt much better. He probably knew I seen the message but I still was trying to hide it.


"I'll be out at Four, too. Meet me back at home at 4:30 and I'll drive us, k?" I nodded. He leans down and gives a soft quick pec on the lips. I just smile. "Let's get back to the movie?" I nod and we walk back to the comfortable sofa together and get back to cuddling.


~Chan's POV~


It was already late, and I had barely gotten home from work. I plopped down on my bed and started scrolling through Instagram. I suddenly got kinda curious, and wanted to find Seyeons instagram. I searched up Jihyos instagram and started looking through who she was following. Without the search bar this would be basically impossible since Jihyo was following so many people.

Finally I found the account @seyeon._.choi

Her profile picture was her and Jaehyun together and her bio just said 'I wanna sleep so wake me up when I'm older.'

I scrolled down and started looking through her posts. Different pictures of Jaehyun or Jihyo mostly.

"She's so pretty." I said to myself while going through her pictures. There was very few pictures of just her but she still looked great in every single one.

I came across a really cute picture of her but unfortunately Jaehyun was in it as well. I tried to zoom closer to just her face but then the worst thing that could've possibly ever happened, happened.

I liked a really old picture. I start to panic and quickly check how old the picture was. It was post 39 weeks ago. At that point I might as well throw myself away. I sighed and tried to exit off her account but accidentally followed.

"Fuck it, I'm going to sleep." I toss my phone to the side and just lay down, trying to ignore how stupid I am.


~Your POV~


It was late already. Jaehyun was asleep and I was just scrolling through tiktok when I got a notification from instagram. I sleepily opened the notification, which took me to Chans account saying 'Follow Back'.

His profile picture was just a selfie and his posts was all inspirational quotes, music, and random pictures of his friends. His story highlights were all song recommendations and his bio read 'Just enjoy~'

I pressed follow back before starting to scroll through his posts. There was so many cute pictures with his friends but he rarely posted anything. I exited off his account and went back to tiktok until I fell asleep.

When I woke up, Jaehyun was already out of bed. I got up and went to the bathroom to start getting ready. I quickly took a shower and got dressed. Did a bit of makeup, then my hair before heading downstairs.

"Good Morning." Jaehyun says to me and places a kiss on my cheek. He hands me a little paper bag and a drink. "I bought you some breakfast, I gotta go to work. Have a good day." He smiles at me before heading towards the door.

"Have a good day. I love you." He waves before closing the door behind him. I still had about twenty minutes before I had to leave the house. Today is the shortest day I've gotten in a bit. Only a five hour shift.   I was happy cause that meant I'd be able to go with Jaehyun to visit his mom with him and hopefully bring something.

I just sat on my phone for a bit until I had to leave.

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