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I got off of work a bit early so I started heading to a coffee shop to get the drinks I know Jaehyun and his parents like from a small coffee shop downtown. Jaes parents don't go out much anymore but they used to come here often so when I see them I make sure to bring them their favorite drinks.

I ordered all the drinks and then some food because I still had a bit of time before I had to meet up with Jaehyun. When I was looking for a spot to sit when someone ran into me and spilt all their coffee on me.

"I am so sorry, let me get you napkins." I looked up when I realized I recognize the voice. He was still panicking a bit but grabbed me a bunch of napkins. I laughed a bit which made him chill out and realize it was me.

"Damn I really have got to stop running into you like this. " I grab the napkins and start dabbing my shirt to dry it.

"It's okay, at least it wasn't hot coffee." I giggle. "I've got another shirt in my car so it's nothing to worry about really."

"Ahh are you sure? Let me pay for your drinks, yeah?" He asks, but I just shake my head, no.

"Already paid them. Don't worry about it, okay? Just sit with me for a bit." I smiled, still dabbing at the spilt coffee but it was kinda drying up. I look around for an empty table before grabbing Chan by his wrist and pulling him with me to the empty seats. We sat across from eachother and started up a conversation.

"So, you found my Instagram?" I laugh and he looks a bit panicked, not sure why. "You hardly have any pictures of yourself."

"I don't take a lot pictures of myself. You don't have much either though, would've almost thought that's Jihyos account." He laughs a bit.

"I do spend a lot of time with her, I'm basically her personal photographer." After I finish my sentence, I hear my name being called. My drinks were ready. "I'll be right back." I stand and quickly and go to grab my stuff and Chan follows me he grabs my drinks for me and carries them back to the table. "Thank you, Chan." I say while grabbing my food. He just nods in response.

"Why so many drinks?" he asks looking at the four cups in the drink holder.

"I'm meeting up with Jaehyun and his family later." I took mine out of the drink holder. "Are you not gonna get anything?"

"Nah. I'm good." He sits back and we awkwardly make eye-contact while I take a sip of my drink.

"Well don't let me be the only one eating." I laugh nervously and breaker eye-contact. I held out my drink infront of him. "Here, try it."

"You sure?" I nod and he grabs the drink and just sips a bit of it and then makes a grossed out face. "Gosh that was way too sweet."

"I like sweet coffee. Why would you want to drink not sweet coffee?"

"Sweet coffee is fine just not that sweet." he laughs.

"Well still I don't wanna be eating alone, so half my muffin with me, yeah? I don't think I'd really eat it all anyways." I pulled the muffin out of the bag and pushed it infront of Chan. "So what kinda music do you listen to?"

"Hmm.." I watch him as he thinks for a minute, attempting to chew the bit of muffin in his mouth a bit faster. "I listen to a lot of calmer music like Crush and Ed Sheeran, but also a lot of rap. What about you?"

"I mostly listen to like Dean, IU, Keshi, stuff like that. But right now I'm really into this group called 3RACHA I'm not sure if you've heard of them." (A/N: skz doesn't exist in this timeline) He looks a little shocked for a moment but then answers me.

"No I haven't heard of them, tell me about them." He leans forward with a smile and I start to talk with him.

"They have three members and they're faceless rap group. They've done a few songs with other people but not much really. They're not that popular yet, but I'm really sure they'll get big soon! Dude I would kill to see them preform live, they're so cool!" I stop and look at Chan, who surprisingly still looked interested in what I was saying. "Sorry. Am I talking too much? Just got excited a bit."

"No, no you're fine! Tell me more. What's your favorite song by them?"

"Ooh definitely either 42 or Double Knot. I can't really decide." He smiles and nods.

"I'll have to try to listen to them." He sits back in his seat. "So.. what's your favorite color?"

"Dude that's really the best question you can come up with?" I laugh and he shrugs.

"I've known some of my friends for basically my whole life and still don't know their favorite colors. Might as well ask at the start."

"Fair. Purple, you?"

"Probably Blue." I nod.

"Do you have any pets?"

"Yeah I have a little dog back home, the name is Berry." he starts pulling out his phone. "Hold up let me look for a picture real quick." He scrolls though all of the pictures. He shows me a picture with a little brown and white dog licking his face.

"Aww cute! Um I have no dogs but I have two cats!" I pull out my phone and show my lockscreen which is my two kitties. "But they're back home, sadly."

"They're cute. What's their names?"

"The orange one is Nami and the black one is Blair." I smile while putting my phone away.

"Their names are cute. So do you have an English name?"

"Yeah actually it's Sofia, but Seyeon is whats on my birth certificate. Do you have one?"

"I like the name Sofia, it's pretty. Mine is Chris." I nod and try to think of a new question.

"So do you have any siblings?"

"Yes. Two, a little brother and sister. What about you?"

"I just have a younger brother." I watch chan as he was thinking of another question, just kind of staring at him.

"What?" he laughs, "There something on my face?" I shake my head, no.

"Sorry I'm just a little tired." I feel my phone buzz and pull it out quickly. It was Jaehyun calling, my eyes widened when I realized the time. I quickly answer.

"Where the fuck are you?"

"I'm so sorry I'm at the coffee shop I'll be there right now." I jump up and Chan looks at me really confused. I mouthed sorry to him and start picking up my stuff.

"Don't even bother, I'll just go on my own Seyeon. You obviously don't care if you were this late." He hung up on me and I just slump down in the chair and sigh.

"What happened?" I shake my head, realizing I was only ten minutes late.

"You wanna help me finish these drinks?"

(a/n): I apologize for the late update! I've been busy, tired, and hit a bit of a writer's block! but I am back hopefully to stay and I will try to post twice this week! thank you for reading ily :)

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