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'if you don't come i will show up to your house and drag you out myself.' jihyo yells through the phone. I just laugh a little.

"alright fine. I'll be there." I hang up and sigh looking at myself in the mirror. the yellow-purple-ish bruise around my eye shined more obvious in the bright light of my makeup mirror.

I attempted to cover it with makeup, which worked surprisingly better than I expected, I did a cute eyeshadow look to make it less noticeable then got dressed. I just wore baggy blue jeans and a black cropped tank top.

I grabbed my coat and went downstairs, where I seen Jaehyun laying on the couch watching tv.

"I'm going out."

"with who?" he replied, without even looking at me.


"is Chan going to be there?" He sat up as I slipped my shoes on.

"I don't know."

"then don't go."

"I can go wherever I want to, I'm a grown woman." He grabbed my wrist.

"I said don't go." I pulled away from him harshly.

"I'm going, try not to have another bitch in my bed by the time I get back." I opened the front door and walked out.

I walked to the place since it wasn't far. I put an earbud in my ear and played my music for the walk. I was excited being out of the house until I seen them.

They were sitting at a table outside of the cafe. I seen only Jihyo, Chan, and Jihyos boyfriend. Chan was laughing until he looked up and seen me. His smile dropped almost immediately. And then he gave me a small smile and waved.

I removed my earbuds and walked over to sit with them. I sat across from Chan, the only empty seat. This almost looked like a double date.

"Chan ordered for you, I hope that's okay." I nodded, kinda curious about what he might've ordered for me.

The guys went up to get the food, and Jihyo turned to me.

"Why are you so quiet?" I shrugged. "C'mon, Did something happen between you guys?"

"Well.." The guys came back and I went silent again. I looked at what he ordered and remembered when I ran into him here. He got me that same drink and food. He placed it infront of me with a small smile. "Thank you."

"I have to go to the restroom." Jihyo stood and grabbed my arm, obviously curious. I just stood with her and walked off to the bathrooms. "Spill."

"We slept together."

"What?" she seemed all excited then paused. "You broke up with Jaehyun?"

"No." she sighed. "He cheated first though."

"Do you think I care if you cheated on that asshole? Chan likes you."

"No he doesn't." I laugh a bit but she was still looking at me seriously.

"You're blind if you can't see he likes you."  She sighed. "You're gonna be hurting him if you stay with Jaehyun. Don't be leading him on if you're gonna stay with Jae." She opened the door to the bathroom and walked out, I followed her.

We sat back at the tables and I mostly kept up a conversation with Jihyo. The tension didn't fade the way I hoped it would. Both Chan and Jihyo were clearly upset with me. Jihyo more than Chan of course.

I couldn't believe Chan would even like me honestly. He was obviously attractive and a really sweet guy. He definitely has options. I doubt he'd even consider me.

I had no reason to even be thinking of that. I'm with Jae. I'm happy with Jae. I love Jae.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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