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Every second driving back to the ball house felt like a demon held my breath above my body, while I waited and begged for it to be released.

It was heavy. Intense. And Melo didn't say a word.

We see the driveway to the massive mansion I have been to a plethora of times, and Melo pulls the truck over to the side of the road.

He sighs and stares out of the window.

"Do you see what I'm always taking about?" He says clearly frustrated.

My heart aches for him.

"I couldn't even have 5 minutes with you." He says looking over into my eyes.

What the fuck is going on right now? I truly don't know what to say.

Without thinking, I reach my hand over and place my hand on his knee.

Melo jumps clearly taken back but replaces it with a soft gaze.

I can't say anything. I don't know what to say.

He places his hand on top of my mine and pulls back on to the road.

As we approach the main house butterflies grow in my stomach.

To my surprise, he goes past it.

"Melo...you passed the house." I mumble out quietly, not sure of where his head is at.

"I'm taking you home." He mumbles. "I don't want you apart of this."

I sigh. "Ok. I get that. But, my bag and stuff-"

"I'll bring it to you tomorrow at school." He states.

I don't dare argue back. We ride home in silence besides the few directions I remind him of.

We pull up in front of the apartment complex, and honestly I can't help but to feel sad. I want to be there with him. As strange as this all is, I want to be by his side.

This might be for the article, or my need to fix others to help avoid my own problems but I want to help him.

The truck comes to a slow halt and I unbuckle my seat belt.

"Bye Duze." He says.

"You're gonna be okay. Whatever it is, you're going to be fine." I tell him,

He doesn't reply and looks forward out the windshield.

I hop out of the car and run up the steps.

I open up the door to a thankfully quiet house. I drag myself to my room, put on some ASMR and go to sleep.


9 p.m.

I wake up to a dark room. Damn. For someone to be back in school my sleep schedule is so fucked.

I stretch my back and reach for my phone that is now on the floor.

I unlock my dying device to see breaking news all over the internet:



Poor Melo.

I scrolled through instagram story after instagram story. Student after student sharing their commentary on the event that took place.

His entire household is under fire right now and I wish I was there to help him. Or at least be a shoulder he could lean on.

With a sigh of frustration, I lean back on my bed with my eyes closed.

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