i held a murderer.

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He pauses and looks at me silently.

"As in he's your...boyfriend." He says keeping his voice down.

My face grows somber, realizing this affects our connection.

"So y'all were together when we-"

"No!" I cut him off.

"We were always a situationship but this happened officially as of last night..." I say with my voice trailing off. This is hurting him, but he asked for the truth.

He bites his lip. "So, how the hell did this all happen?"

I sigh.

Here goes nothing.


"2 hours later" - SpongeBob voice.

"Hi, excuse me guys, um, my manager says if you want to stay here any longer- um you have to buy something-"

"Beat it bitch! The story is getting good!" Darrion shouts at her completely invested in my story.

"Darrion!" I say appalled.

"Sorry!" He says coming back down. "Uh, here's a twenty. A cookie maybe?"

"Okay." The girl says walking away.

"Why would you-"

"Back to the story!" He says hyper focused.

Ugh. Boys.

"Well, now I'm just all confused." I say continuing the story. "I say this hoping and praying that it's not you, but the cherry on top to all of this shit is that there's this person named 'Anonymous' out there and they're targeting me and my friends. Their latest request is for me to find out what happened years ago between Melo and Brian but neither will budge. That argument landed me here." I state sniffling. "I can't even go 24 hours with my new boyfriend and now I'm back here."

I finish my sob story and look up to finding Darrion going through his phone.


I clear my throat to get his attention.

"Darrion, what the fuck was the point of coming here if you aren't even going to hear me out?" I say hurt.

"Shh. One sec. Got it" He states.

He shows me his phone.


Stay the FUCK away from Meduze. You don't want me to tell everyone why you're really here huh?

My jaw drops reading the message from a month ago. "Wait, so if you received a text, then-"

"Then that means I'm not Anonymous. I told you you could trust me."

I audibly release a sigh, forcing him to chuckle.

"So, what are we going to do?" He asks.

"We aren't going to do anything. I am going to pull myself together and handle this on my own. According to that text, you have something to lose."

He pauses silently.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

He gulps. The ever so tough Darrion, is indeed vulnerable.

"Um, well I guess I can't withhold this after you just poured your heart out to me." He starts, "Um.."

"Here's your cookie sir." The girls says coming back to the table with more confidence than before. "And I'm keeping the change!" She snaps as she walks away.

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