Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Skyler's POV:

My eyes fluttered open as I looked around me. White walls. White chairs. And ... Sia?

"SKYLER! YOU'RE AWAKE!" she yelled, the sudden shrill in her voice, making me wince.

"Hey Sia" I whispered, my voice still hoarse.

"I'll go get the doctor"

She skipped out of the room, coming back within seconds with a man in a white coat following behind her.

"Miss Reed, glad to see you are up. How are you feeling?" He questioned.

"I feel fine. My throat just hurts." I replied.

"Mhm, understandable. You've been exposed to high levels of carbon dioxide from the smoke. Your throat ache should only last you a few days though."

I turned to my side feeling stiff from being on my back for so long.

"Arghhhh" I groaned, my whole body aching.

"Muscle pain should last a few weeks unfortunately. You did quite the job pulling someone out of a burning house. It sure took the toll on your body, so spend time taking it easy for a bit."

The memory of last night flashed back instantly.

Just then there was a knock at the door and a woman in uniform approached the side of my hospital bed.

"Hi, I'm Detective Hansen, you must be Skyler." She said giving me a smile.

She then turned her direction towards Sia and the doctor.

"If its okay with you all, I have some questions I'd like to ask Skyler in private."

The doctor nodded his head and walked towards the door. Sia gave me a hard 'If you need me, I'm right outside' look, before squeezing my hand, and following the doctor out.

I sighed and reeled my eyes towards the policewoman.

"How are you feeling Miss Reed?" she asked in a firm yet understanding tone.

"Fine. Just a bit achy" I replied.

"That's good, that's good."

She reached into her coat pocket and took out a notepad and pen.

"Now, can you tell me the timeline of your night yesterday? Whatever you can remember from the time you woke up."

I told her everything I remembered. Studying for my exam, running towards the house, pulling someone out...

"Hazel!" I yelled suddenly.

"Hazel's cottage! Oh my goodness, where's Hazel?!" Panic evident in my voice.

"Skyler you don't have to be alarmed. Mrs. Brown was not in her summer house at the time of the incident. After leaving several phone calls, we realized she was actually out of town this entire week."

I exhaled, relieved that she was alright.

"So she wasn't in the house at all? What about -"

"The individual from the fire is currently doing alright. He is unconscious and in critical care, but doctors have said he should wake up soon.

I took a moment to take all this information in.

"How did this all happen?" I asked.

"As of now we cannot say."

I sunk my head deeper into the pillow behind me and groaned as I pulled the blanket over my head.

At that moment, a burly man in a thick blazer knocked in and glanced at the Detective.

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