Chapter 12

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West's POV:

"It's all my fault." I heard.

"It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. West ... I wish I was in your place. I just wish. You didn't deserve this. You out of all people. This should have never happened to you. I didn't mean to leave you. I was running out and thought you were right behind me." his voice trembled.

I instantly knew who it was.

"Just don't go on me man. We've been through too much shit for you to just leave me. Do you remember in kindergarten when I lent you my juice box. Damn, it was the first time I met you and I knew you were going to be my main man. I remember it so clearly. Please man, just don't le-"

"Blake" I said in a small hoarse voice. I coughed a few times, clearing my throat.

"Oh my god. WEST. WEST? WEST!! He pressed the nurse button and leapt back staring at me wide-eyed.

I stared at him once before resting my eyes once again, sighing.

A nurse ran in, immediately checking and double checking the monitors by my hospital bed. She pressed a small button on what seemed to be an intercom. "Doctor Turner to Room 122. Doctor Turner."

"Hello West, how are you feeling? Any pain or difficulty breathing?" she asked.

"Uh fine? Just sore and tired." I said yawning.

A doctor in his mid 40's came into the room, a clipboard in his hand.

"Hi West. I'm Doctor Turner." He said smiling tiredly.

"Sup doc."

"We've been monitoring you since you've been here. Can you tell me the last thing you remember?" He asked, pen ready in his hand.

"Uhhh the last thing? Uhh it was probably when someone got me out of the house." I replied. "Oh wait. But then I remember lying down on dirt, trees surrounding me."

"Mhhmm. Excellent. Seems like your memory is completely fine."

I turned my head to glance at Blake, still staring at me like he'd seen a ghost.

"No pain. No difficulty breathing. He just mentioned soreness and fatigue." The nurse said turning to him.

"Mhmm. That's what I expected." He nodded his head while scribbling something quickly.

"So did I come off this completely fine then?" I asked him blatantly.

"Unfortunately no. The excessive drinking before the initial smoke inhalation, carried a large toll on your liver. After taking a screening of your internal organs, the process of recovery will take about 2-3 months to repair naturally. Your soreness is due to your 2nd degree burns. We've wrapped the severe burns, mainly on your legs and arms, in bandages. You fell unconscious due to the extreme heat, of course being surrounded by the fire and ... We had you on sleep medication for about 4 days now. Why? To allow your lungs to filter out the smoke inside your body.

"I was knocked out for 4 days?!" I asked surprised.

"Yes. 5 and a half actually, considering you were already unconscious when admitted in.The process to stabilize your health did have risk factors and therefore you were kept on high alert. If you hadn't woken up this evening, we would have to assume you had entered a coma or something worse."" He said glancing at both the monitors and I.

"Okay..." I murmured.

"You had also stopped breathing yesterday afternoon, but we were able to maintain it."

"Stopped breathing? It was that serious?!" I asked surprised again.

"With patients you never know. Anything can trigger an accident. Thankfully, you did not fall into a serious category." He placed his clipboard in the hands of the nurse and turned towards me.

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