Chapter 10

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West's POV ;)…Enjoy

I slid down the rugged mahogany stair rail, completely ignoring the fact that it could break at any moment.

But not today!

I landed effortlessly on my feet and made my way into the kitchen. The smell of burnt chicken and runny mashed potatoes filled my nostrils, but I was starving and couldn't help my mouth watering at the thought of any kind of edible food.

"I'm afraid today's dinner is a little burnt. Sorry honey, I've been so stressed about work." My mom said with a worrisome expression on her face.

I kissed her on the cheek and sat down at our small dining room table, just as she placed the smoky chicken in front of me. "It's alright mom. How was work?"

"It's getting busier by the day. They've started laying off more nurses at the hospital and with my pay ... I'm worried I'll be next." She stammered.

"Don't talk like that mom. It'll be fine. At least you've got Al's to fall back on."

Mom worked two jobs. Ever since my bastard of a father left us when I was 3, my mom has been trying to support us in every way possible. She works as a nurse at a local hospital and also has shifts at a window cleaning service called Al's.

"Al's can’t support us West. I'm getting really scared." Mom whispered.

I placed my hand on top of hers. "Mom, everything will be fine. I'm going to go look for another job, tomorrow alright?"

She shook her head furiously. "No, no! Baby you have school. I can't have you working. You're too young. I need you to focus on your education. That's what we're working for."

"Well guess what. You don't have to worry about my education cos' coach called me in yesterday. I got it! ... A complete lacrosse scholarship!" I beamed at her.

She placed her hand on my cheek and sighed. "That’s excellent news! I'm so proud of you honey!"

I had been co-captain for the University of Oakville lacrosse team in my freshman year and had made captain this year. When the coach gave me the news, yesterday after practice, the pressure about money that had been on my shoulders was instantly been relieved.

Mom swirled her food around in her plate, only finishing about a quarter of it before she slowly got up and resigned herself to her bedroom.

I was starting to get worried about her health, but I understood if she was tired. I mean who wouldn't be in her case.

I cleared the dishes and placed the remainder of the food in the fridge. I retreated upstairs to get ready for Tyler's party.

Ty was a good friend of mine. We were both actively a part of the biggest sports of OU and had jammed at plenty of other parties together.

I opened my closet in search of something to wear. With what I had, I decided on a black dress shirt and denim jeans. Before slipping out of the house, I crept into my mom's room as she was sleeping and kissed her goodbye. Her next shift was at 9 in the morning so I'd make sure I was back before then.

My phone beeped just as I closed the door to her room.

"Outside" the text read.

I quietly left the house, locking the door behind me. I ran across the lawn and jumped into the beat up convertible that lay idling at the front of my house.

"What’s happenin' bro" Drew asked as he backed out of the driveway. Drew was a close friend of mine. He was also my ride most of the time since I didn't have a car ... Or a license.

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