Chapter 8

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Dedications to JustLetMeBeMe01 for being the second to fan :D <3 We appreciate every vote and comment you give us!



Wow Mr Ramano was a tough one to please ! I had spent most of my after school time that week working on three horifically long essays to make up for the credits he'd marked off. Seriously he doesn't make it easy when it comes to gaining back lost credits. But I'm one to put my head down and work when it comes to it and this seriously was that time. But bear in mind this wasn't even anywhere close to end of year or mid-term exams. I honestly dread to think about that....

But that time is almost upon me now !!!

I had been at the University of Oakville for almost 3 months now. Oh my goodness, that seems like such a long time, now that I think about it. But it had just kind of flown by, literally.

After I had completed the gruelling task of completing the work for Mr Ramano, it had been pretty easy going after that. Most of my lecturers were pretty relaxed so I didn't have much work to think about other than the odd piece of writing to hand in now and then.

So I pretty much spent the rest of my days chilling with Sia and Kai. Sia and I had become quite a pair over the last few months. She definitely has a wild side and I can honestly say she's completely crazy. But that's what I love about her. And Kai...well he's just a sweetheart. He's unbelievably adorable. He's kind, funny and generous. How often do you find all those traits in one guy? If you search up natural perfectionist in the dictionary, you'll find his name. He seems to be a freaking natural at everything he does. The girls sure can't get enough of him. I think he's flattered by the attention and sometimes even plays along. But Kai is definitely not a player. Whenever the three of us go out together, I always get "the look" from Sia. She believes we'd make such a cute couple but we're just close friends.

"Hey, you ready?" I heard a cheery voice, instantly snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked to my right to see Kai jogging over to me.

"Ladies first" he said bowing.

I rolled my eyes playfully and headed towards his car.

I jumped into the passenger's seat while Kai got into the driver's side. It was about quarter to 11 on a cloudy Thursday night and we were planning to catch a late showing of that new scary movie, The Possession. We had come to find that we both absolutely loved scary movies. I invited Sia to come along, but she hates, may I repeat, HATES scary movies. Even the slightest little jolt would send her screaming. Oh well, she was missing out! Although I had heard The Possession was actually pretty frightening.

Kai backed the car out of the driveway and tuned on the radio to some rock channel. After 5 minutes of listening to that crap, I reached my hand out and changed to station to one that played something with a beat. Kai immediately changed the station back. I changed the station again. This went on for a good minute but as always, Kai let me keep on the station I wanted, cause he's simply too nice.

I suddenly heard my phone ring. I grabbed my bag and rummaged around for my phone. My bag was a bottomless pit; some things would go in and would never again see the light of day. I finally found my phone and glanced at the screen to see the stunning picture of Sia, I had used as her contact photo, on the screen. I had taken this particular picture a few weeks back, catching her off guard as she had been getting off to park her scooter. It was so natural and somehow had come out amazingly.

"Hey Sia."

"Sky!" I could barely hear her due to the hushed whispering.

"Yeah? What's sup? Are you okay?" I asked suddenly worried by the way she was speaking.

The View From My WindowOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora