Chapter 7

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(Picture of the library on the side --->)

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Chapter 7

I opened the doors to the library and made my way in. I hadn’t seen the library before but according to Sia, and many others, it was amazing. I remember talking about it during lunch a few days ago.

“So I come into my art history class, right, and God I’m so tired. Waking up for a class like art history at 7:30 in the morning … ugh, consider yourself lucky. Anyways, so just as I sit down and start making myself comfortable, Mr Thatcher tells us we have a fieldtrip. Now at this moment, I don’t know whether to be happy that I don’t have to be in class and I might have a chance to sneak some sleep OR be pissed that my goddamn teacher decides to get us all up, just as I start to get cozy. Then guess this, he tells us were going on a field trip … to the library.”

I laughed.

“Shut up.” She muttered. “You don’t know what it’s like to relax in a hard plastic chair – it’s a once in a lifetime feeling considering it’s near to impossible. Then to get up while you’re half asleep, to go to a freaking library! I was tempted to throw the middle finger but stopped myself cause isn’t the library like the perfect place to sleep?! Anyways, so I grudgingly get myself up and follow the class for like 10 minutes! Okay maybe not 10 minutes, but 7? Then there I am, in front of the library, or should I say my 1 hour and 10 minutes of heaven. I follow the class inside and then BAM! It was exactly like that spectacular library that’s in Switzerland! What’s it called again? Something Abbey? Gavin?”

“Abbey Library St. Gallen?” I asked.

“Yeah! That one! I swear to God Sky, it was like I was in a place created for Hogwarts! But, I’m not gonna say anymore cause I want you to see it for yourself. Let me know when you do cause you’ll be amazed.” She said with glee.

“I never thought the day would come when Sia De Costa was this excited talking about a library. Did you get your sleep by the way? I smirked.

“Oh shush you; it’s not just any library. It’s a place of magical wonder and ancient knowledge! It’s the perfect place to find a super comfy chair – with a footrest – to daze off on.” She said matter-of-factly.

And boy was she not kidding. Instead of the Library of Oakville University 1957, it should have read the Library of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The library was breathtaking. It was huge and looked medieval in some way. Everything was made from what looked like fine wood, apart from the books of course – well technically, and there was an elevator that I believe lead to maybe 3 floors. I really would not be surprised if I found a bunch of broomsticks by the tables or a match of quidditch going on outside the back of the library. I honestly did not know where to go so I ended up taking the elevator up to the third floor. I looked around until I found a bunch of one-seat sofas by the window. Bingo!

I comfortably seated myself on the sofa and took out my books. After 20 minutes of flipping my notes back and forth, I decided to make myself productive. I jumped and made my way to the library map  -yes there was a library map ha – and found the literature section. Not only can I try to ace the make-up test but I’ll write an essay on what we’ve just learned about for extra credit. I’m going to need to impress him especially after Sia texted me a while back saying that Mr. Romano wouldn’t stop muttering about his inattentive students after I left.

I climbed the stairs to the 2nd floor and skimmed through the first of the many shelves of Academic literature until I gave up at the fourth shelf and in my hand were 5 encyclopedia sized books. Believe it or not, they rose past my head and did I mention I’m tall? I was just able to make out whatever I could see above the books and from there I made my way to the elevator. Thankfully, I make it down in peace and slowly headed towards my sofa. But fate was not on my side that day, as I didn’t notice a small stool in front of me and tripped forwards. I closed my eyes waiting for the crash of books and the burn of embarrassment but nothing happened. I opened my eyes to see myself leaning forward but someone steadying my body and the books on the other side.

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