Chapter 5

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Picture of Kai on the side --->


I was reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower just to get myself tired enough to fall asleep. Not that the book was boring, but reading in general made me sleepy.

At that moment, I heard a noise at my window. Ignoring it, I turned the page and continued to read, I heard another tap at my window and jerked my head in that direction, pretty frightened. Just as I was about to put my book down, a small rock came crashing through my window and landed right on the floor in front of my closet.

"Sorry!" I heard a voice from outside call.

I jumped out of bed and ran towards my window.

"That throw was harder than expected huh" he said.

I looked down to the ground outside and gasped.

"Leonardo DiCaprio?! Oh. My. God. Oh. My. God." I shrieked, my eyes widening in shock.

"I've came for you Skyler!" he yelled up at me.

"Oh. My. God. But what are you doing here?! You're supposed to be in France filming your latest movie." I yelled back.

"How could I film when you're all that's on my mind? I can't get you out of my head! You're the one Skyler!"

"Wow" I breathed in disbelief.

"Jump down to me, my love. We can run away together."

"What? But, it's a three storey jump!" I yelled.

"I'll catch you of course!" he said, placing his arms out in front of him, signalling for me to fall into his arms. The thought of it made my heart race. This was crazy, but I couldn't stop myself. I threw one leg over my window and steadied myself with the other. I closed my eyes and decided to jump in 3 ...2 ...1...



I opened my eyes and blinked rapidly trying to figure out what had just happened. The floor came to my fuzzy vision first. I heard the faint sound of my alarm clock buzzing in the distance.

I sat up and realized what had just happened. I had rolled myself off the bed, dreaming about Leonardo DiCaprio! Great, I thought sarcastically.

I slowly peeled myself off the floor and stumbled over to my alarm clock. I glanced at the time, 9:30AM, and headed towards the bathroom. WAIT WHAT?! I froze and took a double take. 9:30AM? HOLY CRAP! I overslept. I only have forty five minutes to get to school including the 20 minute drive there! Out of all days to oversleep, it had to be the day of my literature test!

I ran into the bathroom, beating my record for the quickest shower I had ever taken in my life. I ran out, shoving my books into my bag and grabbing my keys. Breakfast was the last thing on my mind when I was running this late.

I literally sprinted out of my apartment, just barely managing to lock the door behind me, jumped down the stairs and flung myself into the driver seat of my car.

I fumbled with my keys until I finally found the one to my car. I jammed it into the ignition and tried to start the car. The car made a terribly loud grinding noise and then a long screeching wheeze until going completely silent.

"Noo! Noo! This can't be happening!" I yelled in frustration.

My old dead-beat car wouldn't start up.

"Please, please! Not today of all days! " I begged to myself. But no sound escaped the motor.

I slammed open the car door, got out and grunted. "Ugh, you have got to be kidding me."

" Ahhh so this is what made that god awful grinding sound. Having car troubles there?" I heard a voice say from behind me.

I turned my head to see a guy, staring at my car, a huge smirk on his face, trying to hold back his laughter.

"Erm Ye...Yeah" I sighed, dazed and defeated.

"Hold up, just a second." He said and ran towards the manor. He went inside but came back out in under 2 minutes but this time holding a large red metal tool box.

He immediately pulled open the hood and started fiddling something inside my car. For some reason I wasn't really worried that a random stranger had just come out of nowhere and was now inside the bonnet of my car, doing who knows what to the engine. But I wasn't really paying attention to my car - but rather to him.

He was about 6 foot tall and lean. His short and slightly wavy light brown hair perfectly suited his quirky features and warm chocolate brown eyes. He was also slightly muscular judging by the black t-shirt that clung just a little too tightly to his chest.

I hadn't realised that I had been staring at him for over five minutes, until he pulled the hood of my car down, dusted his hands off and was looking at me expectantly, smiling the same subtle cheeky smile.

"Oh..Umm...Sorry." I immediately put head down, trying to hide my embarrassmen. I quickly slipped into the car and tried to start the engine. The car roared into life effortlessly.

"First I rescue your keys, and now your car. I guess I must officially be your hero." He laughed, seeming satisfied with his work.

It took me a few seconds to realize what he meant.

"Oh! Wow! Yeah.Thank you so much for that - and thank you so much for this too!! In fact I probably can't thank you enough as you've seriously been my lifesaver" I sighed in relief.

"Lifesaver eh? I can role with that." He smiled at me. His eyes radiating warmth that made me feel content inside.

I laughed.

"I'm Kai by the way."

"Skyler. Nice to finally meet the guy who isn't really a thief." I replied half smiling.

"And nice to meet the girl who I could've stole a car from" he said.

I raised an eyebrow. He put his hands up in the air and chuckled. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding, jeez."

"Although I don't think this car would actually be worth stealing." He chuckled.

"Oii..." I gave him a half evil, half teasing stare. "So how'd you learn to fix a car like that anyway?" I questioned.

"School. Oakville Uni. I'm majoring in Mechanics." He replied.

"Yeah I go there as well! How come I haven't seen you around though?" I asked.

"Haha I'm not surprised you go there too. Hazel was specifically on the lookout for students as her tenants. She doesn't have any kids of her own so she treats us real special.She lies to think of herself as our second mum. He smiled at me again. "And to why you haven't seen me around. Well, I'm in my second year at OU. Mechanics students in my year are usually learning at a real auto shop during the first couple of weeks of September instead of at campus. I leave at 9 in the morning and come back at 3 pm."

"Ooooh. No wonder then." Glancing at my car radio clock, I suddenly realised I had lost track of time because my test was in less than 15 minutes now.

"I'm really sorry, I have to go. I have a test and my teacher doesn't have a liking for late students." I said as I slowly began reversing my car.

"Yeah sure. I'll see you around Sky. Do you mind if I call you that? It's not often that I find people whose nickname rhyme with mine. Sky ... Kai. Kai ... Sky." He rhymed playfully.

"For sure and Thanks again ! It was nice meeting you." I giggled.

I practically flipped the car over trying to get it out of the drive as quick as humanly possible. I could see Kai through my rear view mirror giving me a half wave. I gave an awkward swing of my hand in an attempt to wave back. It was all I could manage whilst trying to concentrate on making this journey to school without killing myself and also avoiding any cops, because I was seriously over the speed limit.


Ouuu so what do you think of Kai? Comment and Vote <3

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