Chapter 9

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Picture of Hazel's Cottage on the side --->



As I unlocked the door to my apartment, I felt the phone in pocket vibrate. Shoving my keys back into my bag, I pulled my phone out and unlocked it.

"Hey, what time should I pick you up? :)"

I glanced at the screen confused. The text was from Kai so I immediately responded

"What do you mean????"

Seconds after I had sent the text my phone started ringing in my hand, with Kai's name and an adorable picture lighting up the screen. I answered...

"Hey Kai ?..." The confusion clearly evident in my voice.

"Oh sorry aha. We could carpool, it'll save us both a lot of time and money loool."

"Lol I'm sorry, but I'm really slow today ...what do you mean?"

"The party Sky?" Kai replied as if it was the most obvious thing.

"OHHHH. Lol oh my god, I'm sorry. That's not really the first thing on my mind since I'm not going." I responded hesitantly.

"Wait What?? What do you mean you're not going??! You know what, don't say another word. I'll be there in 10 minutes..." and with that he ended the call.

It was definatly under 10 minutes when I heard a knock at my door, I was just about to head into the shower.

I skipped out of my room and went over to open the door, to suddenly be tackled by Sia.

"What the hell!" I screamed in surprise. Sia's force had literally sent me flying, I awkwardly landed on a bean bag which I had left in the middle of the living room.

"Skyler Elizabeth Reed. You are going to that party, even if I have to drag you there myself. And you know I would, so don't give me any excuses!" She practically screamed at the top of her voice.

Kai leant over, gave me his hand and pulled me back up to my feet. "Yeah Sky. Tyler holds the biggest and best bashes every year. Everyone comes." He said, trying to convince me.

"Guys the thing is... When are your first exams?" I asked plopping down on the sofa as the others did the same.

"Uhmm Thursday for com-tech." Sia replied.

"Yeah and mechanics have it next Monday" Kai answered after her.

"The only ones who have it bad are French students. Theirs start this Monday. It sucks for them, having to do the first exam so soon."

Sia nodded in agreement. I gave them both a long hard stare until it suddenly dawned upon Sia.

"Oh Shit Sky! Your exams start Monday! You had to go and be a god damn French student!" She groaned in realization.

"Yup" I said popping the 'p' and rolling my eyes at her almost insluting comment.

"Well that doesn't matter. I know French students who have been preparing for the exam for a week. One party shouldn't do you any harm." Kai said, nonchalant.

"EXCEPT...for the fact that I have to do a two hour essay in the morning. I haven't even had time to pick up the French novel we've been studying apart from in French class...and then an oral exam in the afternoon" I muttered with a sigh.

"Ahhh..!" Actually thinking about the amount of work I had was giving me a headache. I wanted to go to this party with Sia and Kai.

"Skyyyyyyyyyyy pleaaaaseeeee commeeeeeeeeee" Sia pleaded, putting on her best puppy dog eyes.

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