Chapter 2

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Picture of Skyler Reed on the side --->


I woke up to the sound of the preset alarm clock on my phone vibrating and buzzing instantaneously. Groaning, I reached out and picked up my phone to check the time. 6:15 am. My first class at University wasn’t for another 4 hours from now. I felt strangely fatigued even though I had slept through the whole night. Did I mention I’m a heavy sleeper? But, surely the five hour drive here couldn’t have been that tiresome. Last I remember I jumped on to the bed hearing the faint sound of my front door closing.

Getting up, I stretched, yawned and then made my way to the kitchen for some breakfast. As I left my room I noticed my suitcases and boxes neatly piled up by the front door. I walked over remembering that Hazel mentioned some guy would bring my stuff up. Sitting on the highest box, were my car keys! ... and a note? Reaching up, I grabbed my keys and the note.

Be careful leaving your keys in the car. For all you know, I could have been a thief :’)

Oh.My.God. I left my keys in my car?!?! What the hell was I thinking?! Mom was a little worried about sending me off to live on my own, claiming that I wasn’t “responsible” enough. Crap... this proves her point. What is wrong with me? It’s probably my nerves, with all the excitement of everything. I scrapped the note in the bin and placed my keys on the kitchen counter. I gave myself a mental note, Thank the guy that saved my car! I opened the fridge to find some bread, jam, milk and cheese. Cereal and pasta was in the cupboard next to the fridge. That was nice of Hazel to stock me up for a bit.

After devouring a jam sandwich, I paced over to the boxes and started to unpack them. Two and half hours later, I had finished decorating the kitchen, living room, bathroom and my room. The only thing left was my closet. I grabbed the suitcases containing my clothes and dragged it into my room. I had only hung up about 10 hangers when I realized that I should start getting ready for school. Finding a frilly pink skirt and white blouse, I headed to the bathroom to get changed. After a quick shower, I changed into my clothes, put on a few accessories, and grabbed my pre-packed tote bag with my school necessities inside. Thank God I packed it before I arrived, knowing that I’d be busy unpacking and etcetera. With that, I grabbed my keys, slipped into my flats, and locked the door behind me.

By the stairs, just outside my apartment, I noticed a small window. The window facing the back of the house, I looked in it and saw a narrow pathway that lead to a forest. Wait a forest? My backyard leads to a forest?! Awesome! It’ll be perfect for jogging. I wasn’t an avid runner, but jogging always helped me relieve any tension, stress or anxiety I had. I was a big nature person, so being in the forest in general would probably have a calming serene effect on me. Another mental note; Check out the forest after school.

Glancing at my phone, I quickly took a double take. 45 minutes left?! It would take me 20 minutes to get to University, but I don’t even know about traffic. Besides, I wanted to be a little early for my first day. I ran down the stairs a little faster than I should. I was thinking about my lack of time management skills when, oomph , I slammed into someone and fell on my butt.

“S...Sorry.” I muttered in complete confusion

“Yeah ... whatever. Next time just watch where you’re going” she said. Stood in front of me was a blonde, blue eyed girl, about 5’6 in height, who looked like she was ready to walk a runway in Milan. She wore an outfit that looked like something I would never ever be able to afford and judging by the Chanel handbag hanging over her shoulder, I guess I was right. She gave me a look over and then turned around, continued walking down the stairs and slammed the entrance door shut.

“Well, nice to meet you to girl who also lives in this house” I muttered to myself sarcastically.

I got up, climbed down the stairs and also went out the front door. I jumped into my car, started the engine and backed out of the driveway. Hopefully, I’d get there on time.


I arrived into the building, in a surprisingly happy mood. After entering the office to receive my locker number and schedule, I headed towards Block 2, where my locker was located. Finding my locker wasn’t a hard job, finding my classes on the other hand...

For freshman year, I decided to take Literature, French, and History. I was a big arts fan. My ‘actual’ art subjects were given to me next semester such as Photography, Visual Design and Graphic Design. I always loved the arts, especially when Math and Science just didn’t make any sense. Shoving the hoodie that I didn’t really need today, considering that the weather had suddenly turned into Miami, into my locker, I closed it and headed towards my lit class.

I arrived five minutes early and found a seat near the middle of the auditorium-like class. I reached into my tote bag and grabbed my notebook and pencil case and placed it on my desk. I noticed a pen falling and landing down to my right. Picking it up, I placed it on to the desk beside me.


I looked over to see a petite very fair-skinned girl with long layered light brown hair and slightly grey-green eyes slipping into the desk beside me. She was wearing denim capris with white flats and a turquoise loose tee.

"No problem", I said.

"Hi, my name's Sia." she smiled.

"Skyler", I replied.

"That's a pretty name. So are you from around here?" she asked.

"Thanks, and no I moved here about a week ago, haha."

"Wow, a week ago?! Now, that’s what I call short-notice! I moved here about three weeks ago from Florence." she said.

"Ohh, Florence Alabama?" I asked

"Alabama? No Florence, Italia!" she laughed.

"Wow, you're from Italy? That's amazing. I would have never guessed, your English is great. So what made you come all the way to Oakville then?" I wondered.

"I have an aunt in Oakville, and I heard this University has one of the best Eng-Lit programs in the world. When I applied and got accepted, I broke the news to my family, they were devastated at first - only because I'd be around the other side of the world, but of course, they'd always do anything for my education. What about you? What's your story?"

"Well, I got in on short-notice, like you said. I was going to go to a University in my area but...funny story actually. I gave my application to my mom. I had a dentist appointment so I had to leave quickly. My mom was going to the post office later that day, so I left my application on the counter.Little did I know, my mother mistook my application for junk mail and accidently threw it out! I had to apply to a bunch of Universities afterwards with a late admission but no one accepted me, except for Oakville. So here I am."

"Haha, nice mom", she chuckled.

"Tell me about it" I muttered.

"Well all that matters now, is that you made it to University", she said smiling genuinely at me.

"Yeah", I smiled back.

Just then our teacher, Mr. Romano, I think his name was according to my schedule, dimmed the lights signaling that it was time for everyone to settle down and quite frankly, shut up.

With that, I started my first class of my first day, eager to actually learn.


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